After reading any motivational quote do you get motivated from it? 

Seeing a quote and realizing it as a boost to yourself is good but during the time motivation will fade. Now you'll start searching for new quote that will motivate you to do, to start again, or to Complete the incomplete work. 

Many people used to select a mentor to get motivated, inspired by him/her. It's good at first but after sometime it will won't work. Actually you should make yourself as your mentor. You know what you're going through, you knows what you really want, you know why things not working out. No one can help you better than you, So help yourself. 

You can learn how to self motivate, Just by practicing daily a habit of identifying the cause of you excuse. People tend to make excuse and complain every time, that they want to do something but not able to start it. They searches for the exact reason for why they didn't done that. 

The first step will be in building a habbit of making yourself capable to self motivates. You should stop complaining or making excuses. Instead of searching for failure reason, start finding ways to that work. Make a habit of asking questions to yourself. Your mind will start answering you. 

You have a brilliant mind that can be used to make or change yourself. Look who's helping you in finding exact reason for excuses its your mind. But you're using in a different way, shift you thinking on possibilities you're mind will help you to grow. 

No one in this world is measure by there size, color, height or wealth. It's there thinking that make them unique in this world. So, be happy, be yourself. 

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