What is fear?

Fear is a normal Human feeling in which a person is afraid of something, or any kind of situation he faced or he does imagine anything.

 Every person has some sort of fears that is normal human feeling but some people have excessive fear of a particular thing or crowded places or any real situation. Which may affect the mental health of the victim. It is also named as phobia. The phobias are further classified in too many names depending on the type of fear the victim possess.

when they come across this kind of situations they become sweaty and their heart beat increases.

When the fear increases a victim can get panic attacks as well. Panic attack is nothing but a situation where they don’t understand the situation, people confuse themselves and gets anxious start shivering sweating and some may get faint as well.

Some of the types of fears

*Fear of Height

*Fear of Failure

*Fear of Water

*Fear of Darkness

*Fear of Being alone

*Fear of crowded places

Steps to overcome Fear

*when you come across such a situation drink water and take long breathes.

*meditation can be a really Good option, as it calms the human mind
*you should carry a positive attitude towards Fear is just a human thinking.

*prepare well yourself for such situations
*open up with your close ones so that they can help you to overcome fear.

*stay calm and stay strong.

Motivate yourself to overcome fear, because if you try to overcome fear willingly then you can be fearless very soon. you need to help yourself, you are a survival and a fighter and in this battle of life you have to win every possible race. 
Live a Happy life without any fear and achieve your goals as well.


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