How can one get motivated by playing with a senior player?

We get smarter and more creative as we age, research shows. Our brain's anatomy, neural networks, and cognitive abilities can actually improve with age and increased life experiences. Contrary to the mythology of Silicon Valley, older employees may be even more productive, innovative, and collaborative than younger ones... Most people, in fact, have multiple cognitive peaks throughout their lives.
                            Rich Karlgaard


  1. How we can motivate junior in front of senior

    1. What have you done for your juniors lately? While it's important to give them recognition and the occasional pat on the back, one of the most valuable things you can do to encourage their future success is recognize their achievements.

      Here are a few tips for motivating your junior in front of senior colleagues!

      - Always praise hard work, no matter how small or large. Let them know that they've done a great job. This will make them feel like they're worth something and that they're doing something right.

      - Be specific. Don't just tell them they've done a good job, tell them what specifically they did that was good. This will help them get better at whatever it is they're doing so the next time you have to praise them, you'll have something to use as examples for what they did well.

      - You should also make sure that when you give your juniors praise, you're not putting yourself down. It's tempting to do so because you want them to think positively of you, but the point of giving them praise is that they'll get confident and eventually your juniors will have to take on projects without your guidance.

      - Give them a lot of responsibility, even when they're junior. This will ensure that they grow up and move away from being junior.

      In closing, there are other ways for motivating your juniors in front of senior colleagues, but these are just a few useful tips you can use right now.

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