10 Ways to Get a Job | Motivational Feed

Pretty much every job that you're in the market for will be on one of these websites.

If there's a career that you want but don't have, then I've got good news: you can now make most any career a reality. It may not be easy to find your dream job with that particular skill set, but opportunities abound for online learning and new technologies will make it possible to accomplish just about anything — from getting an entry-level position as a web developer or marketing assistant to starting your own business.

One of the best ways people get jobs is through personal contacts such as family, friends, and old classmates who share their talents and network with others. Sometimes people even create their own jobs by starting their own business. But if you're starting from scratch and don't have a lot of contacts, you can get a job through the power of networking online. And I'm not talking about posting your resume on Monster and hoping for the best. In this post I'll show you how to leverage your existing connections to land your dream job online, meet new people, and find opportunities that you might not even know existed .

1. LinkedIn

Linked In is a social network for professionals. You can find old classmates, bosses, coworkers, and even your three-year-old teacher from kindergarten on LinkedIn. The site has millions of users spanning across all professions and multiple industries. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, make one right now . Search for former bosses, clients, customers, vendors and co-workers who you've had some kind of contact with in the past. Once you've found them , send them an invite to connect on LinkedIn.

2. Twitter

Twitter is another social network for professionals. If you're looking for a job, Twitter is a great way to get your name out there. Use the site to connect with as many people as possible and make some valuable contacts in the process. You can use Twitter to connect with potential employers and show them that you're just what they're looking for. Follow companies that you want to work for and keep an eye on their tweets. If you can help them with anything or if you just want to get some feedback on your résumé, shoot them a tweet. If they're interested, you might get a call for an interview.

3. Facebook

A profile on Facebook will give you access to your old friends or classmates who are now working at various companies. Use the site to reconnect with people and ask them for their advice on job hunting. If you know anyone in the technology or design field, invite them to connect on Facebook.

4. Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are a great way to find potential employers or people who have common interests with you. If you're looking for employment in marketing, entrepreneurship, tech, fashion, lifestyle or any other field — I recommend that you create at least one Twitter list of people with whom you want to keep in touch. Start following these people and share your thoughts and opinions about their work with them every once in a while. These professionals will recognize your name when you apply for a job in their organization.

5. Reddit & Forums
Reddit.com is a social news site that has message boards on just about every topic you can imagine, including career-oriented ones. You might be able to find a company's recruiters hanging out on these forums and if they see that you've been participating in discussions there, they will definitely take notice and request an interview with you.

6. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a great way to find both potential employers and fellow job seekers. If you know anyone who has recently left their company, send them an invite to join a Facebook group for former employees. You might even get a job lead or hear about an opening from the person who created the group. Use Facebook groups to connect with other people in your industry, and ask them for advice on everything from applying for jobs to starting your own business.

7. Google My Business

Google My Business is a social network for local businesses. If you own your own business, use this site to create a profile with all of your company's information, including its website, address and phone number. Make sure to fill out the description section so that potential employees will be able to find you online. Additionally, if you take advantage of Google's free business listing service for companies with 10 or fewer employees, you can set up a listing for your job openings on this social network as well.

8. Internships

If you're still in school and you want to work somewhere but can't find a job there, start an internship with the company and eventually they will promote you to full-time. Make sure that your internship isn't just an internship. Instead, put your best foot forward and make yourself irreplaceable so that after your internship is over, they'll have no choice but to hire you as a full-time employee.

9. Social Media Jobs

There are tons of job sites that use social media as one of their main channels to find new employees. These sites want applicants who are active on social media and who know how to use it to promote themselves. Employers sometimes post ads on these job-hunting sites, but if they don't, you can always post your résumé and see if anything comes of it.

10. Hiring Agencies

If you've gone to a job fair, you might have met someone who told you about a company that needs employees. You can also visit a local hiring agency. These agencies will give you an opportunity to interview with potential employers and ultimately land a job if they are interested in hiring you.

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