Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.

Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.

Some people believe in setting a goal and then taking whatever steps are necessary to achieve it, no matter how much those steps change along the way. Others like to have a plan that outlines the best route they can take to get from Point A to Point B. In this post, we'll explore both of these methods for achieving goals and help you decide which one is best suited for you as an individual.

To set yourself up for success, be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.

Setting rigid goals and following a set method to achieve them can result in phenomenal achievement. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true in practice. We (as individuals) are so quick to fill our heads with the ideas and ambitions of others that we end up believing that we need to follow an exact, prescribed route to reach our goals. If you have a goal that looks really hard or if the steps you have taken seem unconnected at times, this may be one of those cases.

If you are in this situation, try a few things to set yourself free from the chains of rigidity. First, take a look at your goal and see how far you've already come towards it. An easier route will appear to you and you'll instantly know what needs to be done next. Take the time right now to reflect on your goals and their methods. Condense these ideas into a single word that encapsulates the core of your motivation for reaching your objective. This word will become your band aid...

Be Stubborn About Your Goals, But Flexible About Methods

Yes, it's a mouthful! But the words are very easy to remember and apply to any situation. As you reflect on your goals, ask yourself: Am I so steadfast in my methods that I am sure to fail? If your answer is yes, take this word as a reminder that it's okay to be flexible with your plan. Be flexible.

A great example of this is the story of Adam and his pursuit of strength. Adam was a well-known powerlifter. In fact, he was so well known that he was offered an opportunity to compete in the World's Strongest Man competition (a very prestigious event). However, he would need to give up his powerlifting techniques for a month and instead practice Shot Put, a completely different lift.

Adam weighed all of his options and decided it would likely be best to switch over... despite the fact that he was very good at powerlifting and had beaten nearly every other strongman in the world. We're not sure whether it was his stubbornness or his flexibility, but Adam won the World's Strongest Man competition. And it's a good thing he did, because being flexible with your methods is just as important as being stubborn about your goals.

Let's use him again as an example of how flexible you can be with your plan for reaching your goals. Suppose you have a goal that looks impossible to achieve... Maybe you want to lose 40 pounds in a month or maybe you need to get all of your debts paid off. Having a rigid plan for how you'll reach these goals may be impossible to achieve. However, if you're flexible with your methods. You may have more success at meeting your objectives.

If you're feeling stuck with a goal, think about your methods rather than your end goal. In the powerlifting world, this would be analogous to changing your workout instead of changing your lifts. You need to be stubborn about the goal that you want to achieve but flexible with how you'll get there.

Breaking it Down...

Be Stubborn About Your Goals... (Be tough and stick to what you know is right. Hold fast to what matters most.)

But Flexible About Methods...

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