How do you change yourself over time?

   We all want to be a better version of ourselves. Whether it's with our career, parenting, relationships, or side projects, there is always room for improvement. It might sound daunting and difficult, but self-improvement doesn't have to be a hard process — it's actually not that complicated! In this post you'll find 15 ways you can change yourself over time.

In order to improve yourself and become the best version of yourself possible, you need to start by changing your mind set. Often times we try so hard at something that we end up getting nowhere because we're trying too hard and thinking negatively about what we're doing wrong instead of seeing the possibility in what's right in front of us.

So how can you change your mind set to be more optimistic, positive and appreciative of everything? Here are a couple things to remember:

1. Remember everything has an opportunity cost. What that means is everything you do comes at the cost of not doing something else. For example, every moment you spend on Facebook is a moment you could have spent reading, working out or doing something productive and valuable to your life. You could always say "I'll just get out of it later", but that's if there's a "later".

2. Everything is a choice. You've got the power to choose how you spend your time and what you think about. If you choose to stay in your comfort zone, there's no rush for change — but if you continue to do things the same way, then there's a great likelihood that nothing will change.

3. Don't worry about being perfect and missing something out of life, instead appreciate everything that's happening and hold on tight to the good things in life!

4. Your attitude is your decision maker. Your attitude determines whether you're going to complete certain tasks, reach personal goals or accomplish desired life meaning goals.

5. Your attitude is a reflection of your character.

6. Don't waste time on things that won't lead you toward your goals. You have to be willing to let go of what you're doing if it's not leading yourself or your business in the right direction. If there's no progress, there's no reason to keep doing something, so always keep evaluating whether or not what you're doing is leading you closer and closer to your desired outcome and know when it's time to let go.

7. You can't change the world without first changing yourself — so start by improving yourself today! 

8. You have to start somewhere. Remember that you're always trying to improve yourself and learning something new — so start by establishing small, manageable milestones that can be built upon. 

9. It's okay to fail in life. You're not a good person until you've made a mistake, failed and learned from it.

10. Create an action plan for change and hold yourself accountable by analyzing what worked and what didn't in your life, self-reflecting on the things that could be better/different next time and learning from your mistakes/mistakes once they happen — it all begins with a simple question: "How can I improve myself?" 

11. Be excited about learning something new. With each new thing you learn, you gain a new perspective of the world and learn how to do something new in life — which is an amazing experience. 

12. Be open-minded to change. If you're not open-minded and willing to try something new, you're closing off opportunities for growth in your life.

13. No matter how many times you fail, odds are that if your heart's in the right place and you never give up, then eventually success is sure to follow! 

14. Always be grateful for what you have and never take it for granted!

15. It's okay to say "no" to things that aren't part of your plan.

Now that you've got these 15 tips for changing yourself over time, are you ready to get started? Remember that a change starts with a thought — so choose your thoughts wisely and decide what it is you want in life. Then implement the tips above and show yourself some love.

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