There are many different models of self that exist, each one is unique and has its own characteristics that differ from person to person. This post will introduce you to the reality of being yourself, a characteristic that doesn’t come easy to some people. It takes courage and bravery in order for one to be themselves not only because it may look different from what others expect but also because we have much pressure placed on us as individuals. But now more than ever specifically with social media and the constant posts about ourselves and our lives, it becomes difficult to be ourselves.

In this post we will introduce you to the various models of self, the characteristics they have and the benefits of being yourself. The main theme that ties all these models together is that the way we are now does not have to be your fate tomorrow. There are many different models of self we can choose from which will then lead us down a whole new road or direction in life that is dictated solely by how our mind thinks.

"A person that believes in themselves will always be up!" - Nelson Mandela
Confidence is a fundamental trait of being yourself and it is important to learn how to be confident in an effort to overcome fears and doubts. It is the most important factor for being true to ourselves and has tremendous benefits. Ashley, a teenager with Asperger's syndrome, inspired me to write this post because her story of self-confidence was so powerful for me. If she can do it why not you?
How To Be Confident?
The number 1 thing you need to know about being confident is that it is something you gave birth too. The truth is confidence is something you build and develop over time. That being said, there are some things that would help you get started on the road to a life of confidence and with that in mind, here are 3 steps to help you get started:
1. Be Yourself
The most important thing when it comes to being yourself and overcoming fears is to always be YOU. Don't try to be anyone else or pretend like you're someone else. There will always be people who doubt us but they are only human after all. The best way we can show them? Be ourselves! By doing this, people can't deny us or dislike us simply because we're different from them. Remember, the person you show to the world is who you really are. Show them the best version of yourself, not the worst version.
2. Trust Yourself
There is no better feeling than when something you've done seems like it has hit a home run and if feels like you're finally being yourself, which is an entirely new experience for some people such as myself. It's a strange notion but once we start trusting ourselves, we can become confident in ourselves and this will only make us more confident in everything we do. To trust your own instincts and decisions don't doubt yourself because that will lead to regression so trust your instincts along with being yourself.
3. Don't Give Yourself Rope
Sticking to ourselves and not giving ourselves rope is key to being confident. In order to being confident in our self and in the decisions we make, we have to be completely open about our feelings and what we want. By being honest about who we are, what we like, our likes and dislikes; it allows us to say anything that crosses our mind without worrying what other people may think of us. Sometimes people can have a hard time accepting who we are but there will always be people that can make us stronger than ever for having been given their support along with their love.
Overall, we need to learn about the various aspects of the models of self. By being true to ourselves and not giving ourselves rope, we will feel more confident and by having confidence in ourselves, we can overcome many obstacles that come our way.
While confidence is great for helping you be true to yourself, there are some cases where you may be so fixated with trying to be someone else that it may become difficult for you to see through the eyes of a different model of self.

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