How to become consistent?

You are the most significant person in your life. Your relationships, work ethic, and even your mood depends on you. So if there's something holding you back, it could very well be YOU!

The good news is that you can change this by making a commitment to yourself and writing down what exactly that commitment entails. Be specific with what needs to be done on a daily basis in order for the goal to get accomplished over time. Usually, specific goals can help you realize your full potential and actually make you feel better about yourself. So make this commitment to yourself:

"I will commit to being consistent in fulfilling my commitments each day."

It's almost as though, if you just put a sentence into words, it becomes more real. Besides, it's important to make a conscious effort to be consistent with what you want to accomplish. It's easy to get distracted by little things throughout the day, but you can fight against this by keeping a written record of all your commitments.

For example, if you're trying to lose weight, write it down so you can remember why you started in the first place. If you and your friend are going to meet up for lunch, write down the time and place so that you know where to go when it's time.

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