Is your life a success or failure? What do you think?

 The question of whether or not your life is successful or a failure is one that most people have thought about at some point in their lives. When asked, I typically answer with the following: if you never tried, then your life was a failure. If you attempted and didn't make it...then your life was unsuccessful. But if you tried and succeeded-your life is successful!

When we stop to reflect on what has happened in our lives, often it's difficult to say whether they've been more successes than failures. Tall tales of success are great for self-esteem, but real life is not often so kind.

So let's look for a moment at some common themes that we've learned from experience. I don't believe these are necessarily the things that make a life successful, but they are definitely lessons worth learning along the way. Here are some of the most important lessons that we've learned along the way:

You will live out what you believe!Your beliefs build your foundation and ultimately become your reality. If you believe you are a failure, then that is the life that you will live. If you believe that life is good and that God wants the best for all of us, then that will be your reality. If you believe in being happy and overcoming difficulty, then you will see your life change for the better.

You will make mistakes! – There is no way around making mistakes. All of us will fail. And we will be disappointed at times in our successes as well as our failures. But the lessons learned from such experiences are often more valuable than any one particular success or failure.

You will have rewards! – The learning process itself is a reward, and despite the challenges we have faced along the way, we are all better people for having been through it. It's not always easy to see the rewards, but I guarantee that we all have them.

We all want things to be different-and they will be! – Regardless of what happens in life, we want it to be different–especially when it doesn't turn out the way we hoped. But those disappointments are often opportunities for our lives to change for the better. You can change your life by changing how you think about it. If your life seems like a failure, then you can change that by changing your thinking about it.

We all make mistakes! – Individuals would rather make excuses for why they are not successful than take responsibility for their own shortcomings. But despite how failed you believe you are, there will always be ways that your life could have been better.

You cannot change other people! – We all have to live with the way things turn out, but how we respond to those experiences can change the course of our lives. We cannot change those around us, but we can learn how to change ourselves.

We made the best of what we had!Life is not always glamorous, but it's infinitely better than the alternative. We can take pride in the fact that despite all of our challenges, our sacrifices and our struggles...we learned and grew and came out better people for having been through it all.

Success is not an accident! Your life was successful because you've worked hard on it. You've made the best of what you had, and you've gotten through the most difficult times on earth. You may not have been successful in everything you tried, but that doesn't mean it's all been a failure.

There are no short cuts to success! Our lives are what they are because of the choices we make-good and bad. There is no easy path to success, unless you fail to see it through. If you do the best that you can and learn from your mistakes...then your life will be a success.

"Don't give up on yourself. Never listen to negative people who try to put you down. Don't ever let anyone get you down. But above all, have faith and believe in yourself." – Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

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