Super Easy Way to Build Motivation Every Day

 You probably know how crucial motivation is to your success. That's why we created a blog post all about how to build motivation every day, and what you can do to start off the right foot everyday. Our site won't only help you achieve more in your life but will also make sure that you are able to handle any tough situation that life throws at you.

"People who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it". —George Santayana

How you feel each morning is often heavily influenced by the last day's events. If your last day was an all-out fiesta, then you will feel a bit more energetic and ready to go that day. It's the same for an all-out mega-failure. You might feel a bit more exhausted and less excited to face the day.

In each case, we're only talking about about 5% (maybe 10%) of our entire mood. So why is there so much emphasis on a sleep cycle? A lot of people believe that they will be energetic if they simply have enough rest.

But the problem with sleep is that you can't really control it. (Just try taking a nap in the middle of a business meeting.) But what you can control is how much energy you put into your day.

You must build up an excitement morning routine, and then follow it each day, if you want to have consistent energy. And this doesn't mean that you have to get super excited every single day. In fact, it should be completely natural for you…

      That's why we've decided to talk about ten easy (but effective) ways to build more motivation into your life. Hopefully, you'll be able to apply at least one of these tips into your life, so that you can start each day with a smile on your face.

1. Make Your Alarm Clock Even More Annoying Than a Rooster's Crowing

      You don't have to set it on fire or put it up to the wall. Simply put, you need to make it as annoying as possible. You want the thought of pushing that button hard enough for your finger nails to be broken from the force.

Remember: "There is no snooze button on life." If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself . That is what the next two tips are going to teach you.

2. Power Yourself Up With a Coffee and a Vigorous Morning Routine

      Yes, there is such thing as "Morning Rituals". You should be doing them every single day. Even if you didn't get enough sleep the night before, drink that first cup of coffee like it's your last. Get up, get dressed, clean up your messy room... Set your alarm for an hour before your usual wake up time (if it takes you longer than this to wake up in the morning). This will make sure that you don't need too much coffee before getting out of bed.

3. Make Yourself a Motivational Calendar

      Now you have to use that coffee to your advantage. Make a calendar where each day is a motivational quote or something that will give you the courage and strength to start the day. Even if it's just "Don't kvetch about anything". Remember, you're not trying to be amazing every single day; just do better than yesterday.

4. Don't Read the News Before Bed

      If you have nothing else to do after work, then watch reruns of your favorite TV show. Don't read the newspaper. Do nothing but watch television, if you want to be able to stay in bed for an extra hour or two. Get some good rest; wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

"Sleep is like a drug, very strong." —Hans Albers

5. Make Yourself a Parcheesi Board

      Instead of doing something boring, build your own parcheesi board by sticking all of your favorite motivational quotes on playing cards. Write them down so that you won't forget what they are later on in the day (just make sure that everyone else knows that it's your own personal board).

6. Feed Yourself with Some Art

      We've all seen the guy who paints every day, but gives them away to his friends so that he can continue with the art. Why not paint all of your motivational quotes on big canvases? Give them away to your colleagues. You have to make sure that these paintings stay on your wall because they'll give you plenty of energy throughout the day.

7. Listen to Classical Music

      Remember how we mentioned that some people use music as a way into their bed? Well, you don't have to put music in your ears all night long if you don't want to; just relax and enjoy it in the morning while you're brushing your teeth or cleaning up before work.

8. Use This Classical Music To Regulate Your Alarm

      You can use it to your advantage without using it all the time. We're going to teach you a neat little trick that will make sure that your alarm goes off when you want it to. Now, you can wake up at whatever time you want, without hurting yourself (and while listening to some of the best music ever)!

9. Take a Shower Right Before Work

      Now that you've got something to remind you of your mission, don't let anything stand in the way. Make sure that you take a quick shower before heading into work, so that you can get moving right away. For this reason, wear some clean clothes, preferably something from the same color scheme as the shirt we told you about above (you want there to be no confusion).

10. Get a Good Night's Sleep

You're doing so well! You've managed to wake up early and get ready for the day. Now you can sit back and relax. This will make sure that you won't have to rush or pay too much attention to your time, so you can get some good sleep at night.

If you're looking for a way to build more motivation into your life, try out these 10 easy (but effective) ways. It doesn't matter whether you're the laziest person in the world or not; everyone can incorporate one or two of these techniques into their own lives.

See? It's that simple! Just follow one of our practical tips, and you'll be on your way to a much more productive day.

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