The top 10 ways to stay motivated in your career.

 Do you find yourself wondering how to stay motivated in your career? With the way things are going, is this really what I'm meant to be doing? If so, how can one continue to retain motivation in their career when they have no idea what they're doing on some days—let alone even just one day!?!

Sound familiar? Of course it does. We all go through these types of phases at some point in our lives. It's highly common, so don't stress yourself out anymore.

The good news is that there exists some simple ways on how to be motivated in your career. You just need to know what to do! With your career in the doldrums, here are some ways to stay motivated in your career:

1. Keep it simple–It's okay not to be able to answer the question of where you're going in your career. Don't get so caught up with trying to figure it out, that you forget why you're there in the first place. Don't lose sight of your bigger goal –which is always "what excites me.

2. Visualize, visualize, visualize–This is one of the most important techniques when it comes to staying motivated in your career. It will help you stay on track and not be easily overwhelmed by the pressures coming from all directions. These visualizations will help you feel good about yourself and your ability to achieve goals. The more successful you feel, the more driven you are to continue achieving—which in turn leads to motivation!

3. Keep your eye on the prize–If you feel like you are lost and don't know where you're going in your career, think about specific, measurable, achievable goals. Goals that are specific and measurable will help keep those distractions at bay and keep you focused. If something doesn't work out exactly as planned, it's okay. It's really just about moving forward toward the bigger picture of what excites you most about your career.

4. Unplug yourself–When you're feeling tired, overwhelmed or unmotivated in your career, take some time to unplug yourself from the world—especially the internet and social media. Even though they are fun to be on sometimes, they can also quickly become a distraction. If you find that you are having a hard time being motivated in your career, take a day off from all things digital and then go outside and enjoy the sun for an hour or so.

5. Set your priorities–Like we previously mentioned, if you're feeling lost and unmotivated in your career, write out exactly what is it that you want for yourself. Break down the big picture into smaller goals and then break those smaller goals down even further into manageable pieces. Outline these smaller goals in a way which allows you to feel some sort of control over your life.

6. Set up reminders–Have a reminder system in place if you can. Even just an email or text every so often reminding yourself of your ultimate goal will help you remember why you're doing what you're doing, and therefore will be able to maintain motivation.

7. Have a plan B –If things aren't going as planned, that's okay. Having a back-up plan will allow you to be more flexible if things are not unfolding the way that you would like them to in the beginning. Even small steps you take toward your ultimate goal are still steps in the right direction.

8. Be grateful–Even if things are not going your way, it's important to be grateful for the opportunities that have already come your way. Giving thanks for what is brings up a positive vibration, which is then able to attract more positive experiences and opportunities.

9. Celebrate–There are so many reasons why we celebrate in our lives, but surely at some point it has to do with being motivated in our careers! Simply celebrate the small victories—the small things that have happened—in a way that is meaningful to you. Be careful though not to overdo it and end up going through an emotional roller coaster.

10. Be honest–Feelings are important in your life, but so is being honest. If you are feeling unmotivated in your career and don't know why, it's okay to ask others for feedback. You might be pleasantly surprised at the response that you receive.

Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you continue working toward the goal of self-fulfillment:

1. Don't compare yourself to others–Comparing yourself to others will only cause negative thoughts regarding your abilities and potential. This will lead to you constantly doubting yourself. Instead, focus on what you have done in the past and how you compare to your past self. This will help you build confidence and feel good about yourself—which in turn leads to being motivated!

2. Be patient–You can't always get what you want right away. Sometimes everything happens at once—or not at all! Don't stress over things which will not only make things worse, they will create more anxiety and stress for yourself. Try not to let yourself get caught up in the comparison game. Everybody is on their own path to self-fulfillment.

3. Get out in nature–If you feel like you are stuck in a rut, try taking a break and enjoy nature. Even just a few hours will help you feel like you are not stuck and out of place. Being in nature is also a great way to be grateful for what you have, and also puts things into perspective. When you look at the vastness of the world around us, your problems suddenly seem a little smaller.

4. Keep away from drama–Drama will only lead to more negativity and therefore more stress in your life. When you find yourself wrapped up in such type of situation, simply remove yourself from the drama and focus on what is important. If somebody starts to bring you down, do not respond—even if you feel like they need to be brought down a notch or two. It's not worth all that time and energy.

5. Give back–Try giving back to the community. This can involve volunteering or helping your friends and family out. If you give without expecting anything in return, you will be surprised at how that generosity will come back to you many times over. Giving not only helps others, but it also helps yourself as well. You will feel better about life—and yourself—and more motivated in the long-run!

6. Plan some fun–If you are feeling frustrated with your career, take a break and have some fun. Even if you can only get a few hours out of the day to relax, it is important not to get too stressed. One of the best ways to let go is through laughter—and laughter has many benefits. It can improve your mood, create happiness and reduce stress levels in your life.

7. Accept–Let go of the control. Once you have done all you can do and done as much research as possible, you have to be willing to accept what happens—good or bad! If your deal falls through, do not continue to pound on the door of your potential, instead focus on building a new one.

8. Love yourself–If you are trying to force something to happen, it won't work. If you are being overly critical of yourself, do not focus on the negative aspects. Instead, love yourself for all the good things that you have done and continue to do. Love is a drug that actually works!

9. Join a community–Follow people on social media who where similar interests and activities and find out what they are doing in their lives. This will allow you to connect with other common interests and to make new friends! Even if you do not find the right person, it is a valuable thing to enjoy regularly.

10. Remember the past–If we are constantly dwelling on the past, it can be very negative and difficult to let go of. Learn from that past if it was positive, but do not dwell on it forever. Once you are ready for the next step, it is time to move on with a new outlook. Holding onto the past can actually be keeping you from moving forward and will ultimately keep you in the same place without much growth or progress.

In conclusion, you do not need to have a great deal of money or material possessions in order to find love as well as develop your career. I hope this article has helped you to receive some advice on how to get out of the cycle and find those things that make sense for your life. If you do not have a job, you can always consider doing work related to hobbies or entertainment.

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