What are the most useful brain hacks?

This article is going to provide you with some effective brain hacks that can make life a little easier. These tips are great for any skill that requires effort and focus, like studying for an exam or for a big meeting at work.

The first tip is to memorize your dream by taking a small notebook and jotting down all the things you see and hear in your sleep. Give yourself 20 minutes to a half hour every night to do so. This will definitely help you to remember some of the more memorable dreams, or at least ones that are more memorable than others.

The second brain hack is called the "E-prime" method of reading, which can be used when reading while doing other activities, like driving. The E-prime method of reading allows the reader to read content without internalizing it. This lets you retain the information but not subconsciously take it in, which can be very useful if you are trying to retain information for a test or exam later on.

The third hack is that you should avoid saying things like "I should…" or "I need to…" when making a list of things that you need to do or want to accomplish. Instead, list things in terms of "I could…" and "I will…" Doing so will make you feel more empowered and less obligated to do something, which is very useful when dealing with tasks that you don't necessarily want to do.

The fourth tip can help when you are studying for an exam or doing some difficult work. If at any point while doing the work you find yourself getting distracted and losing focus, come up with a trick that will help you refocus back on your work. The most effective trick I personally use is to say a word or sentence out loud that you know will take your mind off of whatever it is that's making you forget. Try saying the word "lemon" or "treat" or something along those lines.

The fifth tip is to use the Pomodoro technique while studying for an exam, especially when other distractions are causing unnecessary issues with your concentration. This technique can be done by setting a timer for 25 minutes and focusing your entire attention on the task at hand for those 25 minutes. Go ahead and take a 5 minute break, then set another timer for 25 minutes. Keep doing this until you have built up around 4 hours of concentrated work time.

The sixth tip is one that you can try doing virtually anywhere. All you have to do is put your hand on top of your head and squeeze it, then release. This will stimulate the blood flow to your brain, helping to keep you focused on whatever task you are doing. Try doing this every 15 minutes or so while studying for an exam or going on a work project.

The seventh tip is to practice a form of meditation called "sitting still. " All you have to do is sit in a comfortable position, then concentrate on your breathing while saying something like "breath" or "peace" to yourself every time you exhale. The goal of this exercise is to clear your mind of distractions so that any lingering worries or fears can be taken care of before they get out of control.

The eighth tip is one that deals with eye strain and headaches while reading and using a computer. First, you shouldn't be looking at a computer screen for more than 20 minutes at a time. Second, try doing eye exercises while you read. Lastly, take breaks every 20 to 30 minutes and look at something far away from the computer to give your eyes a rest.

The ninth tip is one that is meant for when you are reading or watching a movie or TV show and have reached a part where understanding what is going on becomes increasingly difficult even with repeated viewings. What you need to do is keep looking at the screen, but look at something else in the distance or on a nearby wall. This will help keep you from being bored or distracted by what you are watching.

And finally, the tenth tip is something that should be used only after you have gotten into your work or studying groove. At certain points, you may find yourself becoming distracted or bored, and you'll need to deal with those feelings before they start to affect your progress. What you can do is use a technique that was mentioned in one of the first few tips. You can practice deep breathing for exactly 8 minutes, until your body starts feeling calm and relaxed. Then, start applying your brain hacks again.

With any luck, these tips will help you to make the most of your time and use it as effectively as possible. These tips should go a long way to making you a more well-rounded individual that is able to apply their knowledge in situations where they are most needed.

It's not a crime to use your brain hacks for personal uses, like remembering the lyrics to a song or figuring out how to beat that part in Call of Duty. But if you're going to use them for something that's not relevant to everyday life, then they become more of an aspect of your personality rather than an advantage. Be careful!

Thank you for reading and good luck!

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