Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

If you're a high-achieving, successful person, you might think that happiness is for other people. After all, what could happiness possibly have to do with success? Success is the unique result of hard work and ambition — it's not something that magically happens without effort!

While this may be right in some cases, there are many reasons why happiness can contribute to success:

The happier you live, the more motivated and energetic you tend to be. You work harder when you're happy, and it's more likely that you'll stay on task — and this can lead to tremendous success.

Happy people see the big picture. They are more likely to prioritize their needs above their wants, which is essential in a competitive world because it contributes to greater efficiency in your time management. Happy people tend to have a positive attitude towards work, which can help others be motivated.

Happy people are more creative. For instance, a 2007 study showed that positive moods (measured by a "liking" scale) led to better problem-solving ability in undergrads. Additionally, happier people tend to have more ideas in general.

Happy people are more likely to be able to control their emotions. They are less reactive, and therefore more able to plan for their daily lives and the future.

Even your health can be affected by happiness: studies show that happy people tend to have healthier lifestyles. They exercise more, and they're more beneficial in general.

So is it possible to be successful and happy at the same time? By being happy, you can be more productive, creative, and connected with people. You'll be able to concentrate on your priorities and pay attention to your needs instead of focusing on "wants."

In short, success is about many different things. If you're angry about one thing in life, it's unlikely that you'll be able to get much more done in other parts of your life. Honesty and happiness help us to be more effective.

They make us better people, which in turn helps us to be successful.

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