The only person you can truly be sure is on your side is you.

The only person you can truly be sure is on your side is you.

The only person you can truly be sure is on your side is you.

 You may have heard that saying before - "Your only friends are the ones who support you." - and it's often used to show how self-driven people can be. It is also true in business, but you're on your own when it comes to your social life. 

That's because no one else will ever know what you deserve to have and what you deserve to do. It is because the only person you can truly be sure is on your side, are you?

The only person who can support you entirely is yourself because you come to an understanding with yourself. You know what you want and why. Nobody else has that ability, not even close friends or family members. 

And they're often just too wrapped up in their own lives to give enough time to understand what makes you tick fully. 

When you talk to them about what's bothering you, they're often just thinking more of themselves, and that makes them unresponsive. If you're not careful, they could be using you for their selfish gains without even knowing it and then prioritizes themselves over furthering your desires. Find some friends who are self-driven like you are.

But how does one know if they're a self-driven person? It's pretty easy because all a person wants is to better their own life. From the beginning, self-driven people wish to have a better life, and they work toward it. 

When they're young, it's often just for that video game or toy they want. But as an adult, their desires are more realistic and beneficial.

If you're someone who's always wondering why things don't work out for you, then you're probably not self-driven. That's because self-driven people are the ones who don't accept mediocrity. If you want to be better, you're the one who knows that, and no one else can tell you otherwise. 

When we're young, we'd always ask our parents if we can do this and that, and most of the time, they say "no." If we only listened to their "no's" in life instead of our desires, we wouldn't have become successful.

But even if you're self-driven, like myself and many others, you might not achieve your greatest dreams, and that's because it takes a lot of work to get there. 

You have to be extremely diligent with your work and think through the steps necessary to reach a place where you will make your dreams a reality. It is what separates the self-driven people from the rest - they have drive.

You might have noticed the problem with lack of drive and how it leads to mediocrity. But there are methods to overcome this problem and what I'm about to share with you is one of them.

The key to overcoming a lack of drive is seeing what the real problems are in your life. 

If you're thinking through what others tell you, then chances are you won't find any solutions because it's natural to fall into that trap where things work out, or they don't, but seldom in between. It's a lot harder to find the middle ground.

You've got to look at what every situation is about and why it's happening, not just from the perspective of what you believe it should be. It takes a severe amount of understanding, and the only one who can genuinely help you understand this is yourself. For you to see this, you've got to take some risks. When people have a drive, they go for it.

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