5 Steps to Goal Setting Success | Motivatonal Feed

The world is a tough place, and to survive, we need to set goals that will allow us to keep our heads above water and thrive. That's where goal setting comes in — it's the process of turning your abstract desires into concrete plans, so you can get what you want.

Whether you want to write a book or get a promotion, take the steps below to make sure you reach your goals.

Step 1: Decide what you want. If you're going to set goals for yourself, you need to know what your goal is. You might think of a general idea, but the willpower it takes to push yourself towards that goal is much easier when the plan has been clearly defined.

To define your goal, you need to ask yourself a series of questions:

What do I want to achieve? (e.g., lose weight, earn enough to live on my own) How much time do I have? (e.g., by the end of the summer) Why is it important to me? (e.g., because I'd like to be healthy and feel comfortable in my skin)

Once you have those answers, you're ready to move on to step 2.

Step 2: Make a plan. Goals are important because they let us know what we want, but they're useless if we don't take the time to figure out how we can go about accomplishing them. How are you going to get in shape? What will career path let you earn enough to pay all your bills? How can you expand your business to make enough to support a family of four or five?

To make these plans, use the SMART method. It's a framework for effective goal-setting, and the letters stand for:

Specific – your goal should be clearly defined, with no room for misunderstanding. Measurable – you should track your progress towards achieving your goal. Attainable – since it's unlikely your goals will fall into place all at once, you should be able to work towards the goal in small steps. Relevant – if you set a goal that conflicts with something else, it will be challenging to focus. Set up your plans to be appropriate so that you can stay focused on what matters most.

The SMART method is just a framework for setting goals; I like to think of it as more of a checklist than anything else.

Step 3: Commit to your goals. Setting goals is only half the battle; it's also essential to be disciplined enough to follow through. Without a plan and a commitment, you're likely to give up on your goal before you even get started.

If you genuinely want to succeed, you've got two options: adapt or die. If the way you're currently living isn't working for you, then it might be time for a change. If you're unwilling to make that change, your goal will be an unattainable dream, and you will not achieve it.

If you choose the first option, you still need to be accountable for your actions. That's why an excellent way to set goals is to adopt a set of chains or rules that you can use as reminders.

I use a 3×5 index card as my goal planner. I write my goals on the front and then my plan or reminder on the back. I use a pen to write the reminder because I feel that's how it's most likely to be seen.

The main thing you need is to be accountable for your results; don't let yourself slip back into old habits if you find that things aren't going well.

Step 4: Evaluate your progress. I've written previously about how it's essential to evaluate our experiences and see if they produce positive or negative results. This is a vital part of goal setting because it lets us know what we're doing right and what we need to improve.

If you find that your plan isn't working out or that there are obstacles in the way, don't hesitate to modify your plan so you can work around them.

If you find that your plan is working, you should celebrate and pat yourself on the back. You're one step closer to achieving your goal!

Step 5: Celebrate your progress. I think it's important to mark the accomplishments of our efforts; it lets us know that we've made progress, even if it seems small at first glance. Making a big deal out of every small achievement makes us feel like we're unstoppable and encourage us to keep pushing on.

Now you're ready to set goals for yourself and reach them. The world is your oyster, so be sure to get out there and make something of yourself.


There you have it, the five steps to a successful goal-setting strategy. The best thing about it is that it's generic enough to apply to any goal you can think of.

Remember that setting and reaching your goals isn't an easy task – but with a little hard work and perseverance, you can succeed no matter what! All you have to do is commit yourself to the process.

Best wishes for success,

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