7 Effective Ways To Set Your Goals In Motion Today | Motivational Feed

You work hard. You completed all of your daily tasks and some of your weekly lessons in and out of the office. But you still feel like you're not moving ahead, that something is missing in your life that will make things better – but what? Sometimes it can be tough to hammer out what you want to accomplish in life because there are so many different paths.

But, when you do figure out what you want to achieve, it's even tougher to take the first steps. You might have a goal of finding a new job and getting your resume together, or you may want to go back to school full-time – maybe you need to learn some important information regarding your current position. Ultimately, the point is that there's an end goal for what you want to accomplish in life. 

But, not all goals can be reached in a one-step fashion. It takes an act of will to overcome your fears, set the ball rolling, and start moving towards your goal.

Today's post will explore seven different ways to set specific goals in motion. The first three are easy; the next four are much more complicated – but they all require a personal commitment to put your life on track.

1. If something you want to do, but haven't done yet, make it larger than life (i.e., the resolution).

It seems that the new year rolls around every month in today's world. And with it comes a new set of resolutions for what you want to accomplish in that year. To overcome fear and doubt and truly set your goals in motion toward success, you have to make them something you can realistically achieve. There is no point in setting yourself up for failure before you even begin! Acknowledge the value of what you want to do and make it realistic for yourself.

2. Look at all the reasons why you want to accomplish your goal.

Many people think of reasons they can't do something rather than achieve their goals. For one thing, it creates fear in your brain, which is a genuine physical response that makes life more complicated than it needs to be. On the other hand, looking at all the possible reasons you can achieve your goal allows you to look at the positive aspects of what you want to accomplish. If you don't think about the good parts of reaching your goals, not only will that leave space in your life, but it will also cause a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety – which is never suitable for anyone!

3. Start with a simple step towards an overarching goal.

An old saying, "If you want something done well, do it yourself." It holds when it comes to setting your goals. If you focus on one thing at a time, rather than one goal, it allows you to take small steps towards whatever you want. This is not the best way of going about life – but if it means reaching your goals sooner rather than later, then it may be just what the doctor ordered!

4. Refuse to give up.

While it's great to set your goals in motion, there will be times when you need to take a step back – perhaps because it's not the best time for you or something else is going on in your life. But to stay consistent and keep moving forward, you have to make simple adjustments so that you can keep moving towards what you want. Be flexible – but don't give up!

5. Write down your goals.

Most of us live in a world where we are surrounded by written words all the time. But, it's essential to know that written words can be interpreted in multiple different ways in terms of what they mean. So the best way to set your goals and make them a reality is to write them down – whether you do it in a journal or on a piece of paper. The second best way is to have someone else read them over and make sure they are clear!

6. Build momentum.

One of the best things to set goals in motion is by building momentum. If you can make small changes that can add up over time, making progress towards your purpose becomes much more accessible. For example, one of the most effective ways to set goals in motion is by starting with small things. Perhaps you feel like you want to cut down on your drinking, so all you need to do is have one less drink every day – that's an excellent place to start!

7. Set unrealistic goals.

Setting goals that are too far above your reach is a bad idea because it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety and make it harder for you to accomplish anything at all. But, setting goals that are too far below your reach is also a bad idea. It's much better to make small changes that you can achieve rather than making significant changes that will be difficult to attain – and ultimately cause you more stress than necessary.

When you set your goals in motion, it is essential to remember that the journey is just as important as the actual destination. It's great to be able to look back at your progress and see how you've improved, but at the same time, it can be helpful to take a step back and see how you can improve and make things even better!


Setting goals in motion is an integral part of life. But, to be successful at it, you need to set goals that you can achieve, of course – but also real ones. This can be done by breaking down the goals into manageable steps to complete and seeing results for yourself. Make sure your goals are realistic, but also define them as something you can achieve shortly – that way, you won't be wasting time if your goal is beyond what you can honestly expect to achieve.

Finally, remember not to give up! Set small goals that you can achieve and move towards – it's incredible how far and how quickly things can get done when you put your mind to it!

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