Tips and tricks to better your memory

Tips and tricks to better your memory

Are you one of those people who have trouble being assertive when it comes to your work? Do you feel like because you're one person, you don't really matter and that your opinion isn't worth listening to? If so, then read on!

Ever since I was a child, people have always told me that I'm one of the most "difficult to replace" individuals they've ever met.
I'm great at what I do and I understand that my work is on the cutting-edge of design, but it's usually hard to convince people that they should want what I make.

This issue has come up a lot in my life, so I've learned all there is to know about being "difficult to replace".
Let's take a look at some of the ways people say you're difficult to replace.

1.  You're very knowledgeable.

People don't realize how much knowledge goes into my work.  They think someone with a creative mind and a computer can do what I do, but they're dead wrong.  I've taken years to learn everything I know and now I'm extremely knowledgeable in my field.

2.  You're educated & intelligent.

Just because I get good grades in school doesn't mean anything!  No one really cares about that!  I use my knowledge from above when doing work at work, so people see how smart I am.

3.  You have talent.

I'm extremely talented in my field.  I've done everything I can to hone my artistic abilities and know how to use the software that my work requires me to use.  I'm so talented that people don't even want to try and copy what I do because they know it will never be as good as the real thing!

4. You're very unique.

People say I'm very unique, with a great sense of personality, but if you really think about it...I'm not.  I'm just like everyone else...except better.

5. You're very good at your job.

I put a lot of time and effort into my work.  In fact, I put so much time and effort into it that no one can even copy what I do!  This gives me an edge on the competition and makes me difficult to replace!

6.  You're very loyal & reliable.

I never make mistakes and I'm always there to help my clients when they need someone.  This makes me difficult to replace because no one else in the world is as reliable as I am!

7. You're hardworking.

I work hard at everything I do and no one can deny that.  I've tried to "slack off" in my personal life, but it just doesn't work for me.  This makes me a very valuable employee and difficult to replace!

8. You're a valuable employee.

People tell me all the time how much value I bring to the company I work for.  I help grow the company by making clients happy and they'll do anything to keep me.

9. You have a keen eye for design.

People tell me that I'm a very good designer and someone with such keen vision that I can do things that other people couldn't possibly do.  I love finding new ways to use the software we all use at work, so it's impossible for anyone to replicate what I create.

10. You're one of the most valuable employees in your field.

I'm paid very well for what I do, so why would anyone else want to replace me?  What could they possibly offer that could make up for the time and money it costs to replace me?

11. You're a problem solver.

I love solving problems and making people happy with my work.  This makes me something that is extremely hard to replace; someone who helps improve the company I work for!

12.  You're a good communicator.

I'm a good communicator because I love listening to people's concerns and helping them understand what I do.  This is something that most designers lack, so people say it makes me difficult to replace.

13. You're very well-rounded.

I never want to be stuck doing the same thing over and over again, so I make sure that I'm a jack of all trades in my field and can do everything the company needs done.  Because no one else is like me, they say this makes me hard to replace!

14. You're very popular with clients.

People tell me all the time that my personality is a perfect fit for making clients happy with my work.  I always go above and beyond the call of duty to help my clients and make them happy, which makes me difficult to replace.

15. You're very dependable & reliable.

I'm always there for my clients when they need me and I'm always able to complete whatever task they have for me.  This makes me hard to replace because no one else is as dependable as I am!

16. You're extremely productive.

I know how to work much faster than most people, so I know how to get a lot of things done in a short amount of time.  Because I work faster than most people, no one else can do what I do!

17.  You're very hardworking.

I'm constantly working hard at improving my skills and trying to learn more so that I can create the best possible work for my clients.  This makes me difficult to replace; someone who is truly dedicated to helping their clients!

18. You're an excellent communicator.

I'm always on top of things when it comes to communicating with my clients so that they're happy with my work and I love hearing how happy they are with it!

19.  You have a great sense of humor.

I'm very funny and love making people laugh.  This makes me difficult to replace because no one else is as funny or enjoyable to be around as I am!

20. You're a great boss.

I know how to treat my employees right and pay them fairly for their work, so they'll never want to leave my team because they have everything they need here!

21. You have a lot of experience.

As an older person, I've gained much more experience in my field than others my age who are just starting out.  I've worked hard at perfecting what I do and have gained many years of valuable experience that no one could ever replace me with!

22.  You're very open.

I love sharing everything I know with others because of my love for helping others to grow and learn.  This makes me difficult to replace because no one else will teach their employees everything I know!

23. You have a great work ethic.

People tell me that I work harder than anyone else and never give up when things get rough, which makes me difficult to replace because no one else is like me!

24.  You have a good imagination & creativity.

I'm constantly trying to think of new ways to use the software we all use at work, so people say it's impossible for anyone else to do what I do!

25. You're very good at adapting to change.

When other people are having a hard time with change, I embrace it and am able to adapt quickly.  This makes me difficult to replace because no one else can adapt as fast as I can!

26. You have excellent problem-solving skills.

I'm always the first person the company turns to when they need help solving problems or when they need someone who can get the job done in a pinch!

27.  You're eloquent & articulate about your craft (writing, photography, design, etc.).

People tell me that I'm a great writer, photographer, designer and they love seeing how I express myself through language.  Because no one else can do what I do the way I do it, it makes me hard to replace!

28.  You have great listening skills.

I'm always the first person people come to when they need to talk about something personal, which makes me very good at listening and understanding what needs to be done for them.  Because no one else is as good of a listener as I am, it makes me difficult to replace!

29. You're an expert in your field.

Because I'm an expert in my field, people constantly come to me for advice about their problems and when they're having a hard time with something, I know what to do!  This makes me difficult to replace; someone who knows everything there is to know about their field!

30. You have great communication skills.

I'm always the first person people come to when they need help communicating with others and I love finding new ways to use communication in my work.  Because no one else is as good of a communicator as I am, it makes me difficult to replace!

31.  You're extremely talented & skilled in your craft.

People always tell me how talented and skilled I am in my craft, so they say that no one could ever take my place because they wouldn't be able to do my work the way I do.  This makes me hard to replace!

32. You have a lot of energy & motivation.

Because I love what I do and am extremely driven, people tell me that no one could ever do what I do because my energy and motivation is impossible to match!

33. You're flexible & easy-going.

I can easily adjust to changes in my work and life, so people tell me that no one else could ever replace me because they wouldn't be able to handle the changes that come with being a designer/writer/photographer.  This makes me difficult to replace!

34. You're very creative & imaginative.

I'm constantly creating new and different designs and ways to use them, so I know more about this kind of work than anyone else!

35.  You're very organized & detailed.

I love making files for my clients so that they have all the information they need in one place.  Because no one else is as organized or detailed, it makes me hard to replace!

36. You're very patient with others when teaching them your craft .

People tell me that no one is as patient as me when teaching someone how to do something new because I explain everything perfectly and make sure the other person is on board before I move on to something else.  This makes me hard to replace; someone who can teach others quickly and effectively!

37. You're a great time manager.

Because I'm very aware of how much time I have to get a certain project done, it makes me difficult to replace because no one else will be as good at getting projects done on time as I am!

38.  You're very organized & efficient.

When people come to me with a problem, they always comment on how quickly I found the solution and solved the problem!  Because no one else is as organized or efficient as I am, it makes me hard to replace!

39. You're extremely gifted and talented in your craft.

I'm told constantly how gifted and talented I am in my writing, photography, design and anyone else could never replace me because no one else is as gifted and talented as I am!

40.  You're extremely good at marketing yourself & your work.

Because I always market myself and my work, people tell me that no one could ever replace me because they wouldn't know how to market themselves the way I do!  This makes me hard to replace; someone who knows exactly how to promote themselves correctly!

41. You're very responsible.

People tell me they can always count on me in a time of need and that they trust me completely to get the job done right.  Because no one else has the same level of responsibility as I do, it makes me hard to replace!

42. You're a great problem solver.

I'm always the first person people turn to for help solving problems and when I'm in a bind, no one can think of a better solution than I would!  This makes me hard to replace because no one else could solve the problems that I could!

43. You always keep your promises .

People always tell me that I keep my promises and that I never break my word, so they say no one could ever replace me because they wouldn't keep their word either.  This makes me very hard to replace because I always keep my promises and no one else would keep theirs!

44. You're a great motivator .

Because I'm always motivating others to do the best work they can, it makes me very hard to replace because no one else could motivate people as well as I can!

45.  You understand the importance of promoting your craft .

I always promote myself and my work, so no one else could ever replace me because they wouldn't promote themselves correctly!  This makes me difficult to replace; someone who promotes themselves correctly!

46. You're extremely humble about your skills & work .

I'm always telling people that there are many others who are just as good as I am, so no one could ever replace me because they wouldn't say that no one is more gifted than them!  This makes me hard to replace; someone who knows their limitations and abilities.

47. You're a great multi-tasker .

Because I'm able to handle many things at once, it makes me extremely difficult to replace because no one else would be able to complete all of their work at the same time that I am!

48. You're very responsible & hard-working.

Because I'm always very responsible and work incredibly hard, it makes me difficult to replace because no one else would be as responsible and hard-working as I am!

49.  You have an excellent memory .

Because I have such a good memory of everything I need to do and remember, people tell me that no one could ever replace me because they wouldn't be able to remember everything!  This makes me extremely difficult to replace; someone who remembers everything!

50. You're very dependable .

I'm always the first person people come to for help and advice because I am always here for them when they need me.  Because no one else is as dependable as me, it makes me hard to replace because no one else would be able to handle the responsibility I do!

That's all of them!  Now it's time to own every last one of these things that people have told me makes me hard to replace!  I hope you all learned something from this post & that you'll tell your clients all of these things so they know you're the best possible choice for their needs!  If you find any more things, be sure to add them in the comments below!

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