The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.

One of the most common misconceptions about aging is that we start to just stop living the moment we hit a certain age. This couldn't be further from the truth-—once an ordinary day becomes an extraordinary one, we can actually begin to live life more passionately and effectively! We still have all of our faculties and experiences at our disposal, so it pays off to continue learning new skills and exploring new destinations in life. As cheesy as it sounds, with each passing day this simply denies us a new opportunity for peace in death.

This is the reason why I believe one can still have a life well-lived at any age. Sure, it may be hard to see at first, but what I'm about to share with you will help you see life beyond your years in a whole new light.
The real trouble begins after you've become aware of the truth in my words because you'll want to make an effort to live more abundantly and consistently. The truth is that when we're young we don't have any idea how many opportunities we could pass up on by not being proactive and prepared for its proper execution. The biggest struggle we face is the inability to discern when our goals are being fulfilled and when they're simply being deferred.
The good news is that as you grow older, you get a clearer picture of who you really are and where you want to go in life. By taking these new perspectives into account, we become capable of prioritizing a more abundant life for ourselves rather than just continuing to postpone it for the sake of status quo. Now that I have your attention, let's take a look at what makes up an excellent day from my point of view.
How To Live An Excellent Day
1) Finish What You Start
The first thing you must do on an excellent day is to finish what you start. This applies both at the personal and professional levels. If you're waiting to complete a project because it's important to someone else, then by all means hold off. If you know that it's important to you and that not finishing it would hinder your progress, then do it regardless of the consequences or consequences (if any).
When our work is meant to be done by us, we are committed and have no fear of failure. We don't worry about upsetting others with our decisions because we're doing it for ourselves. The minute others get involved, we begin to question if they're doing it for us. This is when we truly begin to understand what the word commitment means.
Regardless of whether you like your job or not, you must complete the work for its own sake in order for it to become a masterpiece. When we make art, we're trying to achieve connection with a higher power because this is ultimately what we are here for on earth. If there is no one who appreciates our efforts and we go unheard because of this, then all the more reason to constructively use our time at work so that there's something beneficial that results from our labors.
2) Dive Deep
I don't know about you, but I'm a very busy person. I have a million things on my plate and thanks to the digital age, it's getting even more complicated. We're constantly checking our phones, emails, texts and social media accounts (to name the most prevalent examples) because we feel that we need to be able to communicate with everyone at all times. I used to be addicted to overscheduling myself in order to make sure that I could complete all of my tasks for each day. Nowadays I am better of depending on automation tools so that my actual time is spent doing activities that bring me closer to God.
You have to realize that the majority of these are distractions. We derive a short-term benefit from checking them whenever we like, but by doing so we're constantly running ourselves in circles and in the end we're not doing anything at all (except making money for someone else). It's been said that it only takes 21 days to form a new habit which explains why this depersonalization is so widespread at this point in history. The thing I've learned is that if you want to make something a priority, you must go into hiding or completely disconnect yourself from everything outside of your own control so that the only person you owe answers to is your own conscience.
I'm not saying we should just ignore our friends, family and colleagues. All I'm saying is that we should make our relationships a priority over time-wasting activities like social media. You don't see your close ones everyday unless you're in the same city, but everyone else can wait until tomorrow. When you prioritize the things that are important to you and cut out the excess fluff in your life, you'll find that you have a lot more time for the activities that truly matter to your soul.
3) Avoid Distractions
Because distractions are so prevalent in today's society, we have a tendency to become hyper-sensitive to them when they appear (usually out of nowhere and at the worst possible moment). While there's a time and place for them, they shouldn't ever be as big of a priority as the things that truly matter to us.
We have to make sure that we keep our priorities in check or else we'll end up being led down the "path less traveled" by external influences on a regular basis. Distractions are like breadcrumbs used to lead us astray in life because they make it more appealing for our anthropomorphic minds to seek them out (hence the attraction). But when our hearts are pointed towards the things that bring us closer to God, then none of these things will be able to separate us from Him.
4) Don't Take Everything Personally
I know people who get upset because they think that everyone else is judging them or that they're being treated unfairly. While these individuals may perceive others as the problem, they're actually their own reflection. If you ask me, then I'd say that EVERYONE is judging YOU in their own way but you have to determine whether this is accurate or not. What I'm trying to say here is that everybody judges us and it's our response to what they say/do which makes all the difference.
The moment we start thinking everything others do is completely against us and being malicious towards them, we've slipped into a sort of self-blame mind set which leads to depression and anxiety. No one is out to get us in life and if they are, then we have a savior who will give us the strength to overcome any obstacle (even if it takes you a lifetime to do it). We just have to live our lives and make sure that we're living for ourselves, because as long as we do this, all of our relationships will be based on mutual love and respect.
5) Avoid Negativity
Negativity is like a full-blown plague today which infects everyone around us. Whether it's gossiping about someone behind their back or spreading rumors online, people just can't tolerate those who lead an unconventional lifestyle. In short, we've created a culture where the individual is the victim and everyone else is the enemy. This is why we must always be honest with ourselves and remember that everything is subjective.
I know people who don't like what I do for a living because it's not their job, but that's fine because I'm not doing it for them anyway. What I say to people like this is "you're very happy with your job?" If they tell me that they are, I then say "then fine, you don't have to listen to my advice". The fact of the matter is that people are going to choose how they want to spend their time in life and it's fine if you choose wrong. All I'm saying to people like this is that you can choose to believe whatever you want and if it makes your life easier (e.g. working at Walmart), then more power to you.

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