7 Easy Creative Rituals to Spark Your Imagination and Inspire Your Soul.

7 Easy Creative Rituals to Spark Your Imagination and Inspire Your Soul.

Here are seven simple and inexpensive ways to get your creative juices flowing and help you set the mood for creativity.

1) Play a musical instrument for 30 minutes a day. Playing music is known to increase creativity, act as a stress release, and can boost self-esteem. The best part is that many instruments are relatively easy to learn, so newbies don't need advanced skills -- just some persistence!

2) Drink water before bed every night. Water isn't just crucial for hydrating your body; it also serves as an inspiration source by recreating the conditions of when you were born with the Earth's water cycle. Studies have shown that drinking enough water improves memory and cognitive functioning.

3) Take a bubble bath. The ritual of setting aside time for self-care is essential, and the relaxing nature of a bubble bath is perfect for inspiration. Incorporate candles, lotions, and oils as you let your creativity flow.

4) Choose positive books to read, not just the latest from your favorite author! Pick a magazine or book that inspires you to move on from your current situation or start thinking about things differently.

5) Spend ten minutes a day contemplating the meaning of life and your place in it. Maybe you're a parent or a pet owner and feel you have responsibilities preventing you from thinking about your future. Don't worry about it! Negative feelings can still be creative -- think of how many great songs were written about despair and heartbreak.

6) Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. These practices train the mind to focus on the present moment and quiet your thoughts, helping your creativity flow and preventing self-judgment before you even get started on an idea.

7) Ask for help when you need it. You can make all these practices work for you, but even the most talented and skilled artist sometimes gets stuck. Collaborating with other artists or seeking the wisdom of a creative expert can help keep your creativity flowing in many ways.

In today's world, we are working more than ever before to achieve a place in this world. We spend our days working hard to survive, striving to achieve financial independence so we can be happy in life, and trying to make the world around us a better place. The next time you feel frustrated or too tired to work on that creative project you've been thinking about, try one of these easy steps.

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