How Self-Made Millionaires Overcome Procrastination?

How Self-Made Millionaires Overcome Procrastination?

How Self-Made Millionaires Overcome Procrastination? 

Have you been procrastinating? Learn how self-made millionaires like Oprah, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos avoid being helped by these simple tips. 

Self-made millionaires all have one thing in common: They've managed to find a way to avoid procrastination. While you might be tempted to believe that these individuals are just superhuman and work their time magically, you'll be happy to learn that you can do the same — no matter what social media apps call notification says — with just a little time and effort on your part. In this post, we're going to explore how self-made millionaires have found success in avoiding procrastination.

1. Limit your decision making.

It's pretty easy for the average individual to make about 400 decisions a day (40 decisions per hour). This does not include the mundane choices we have to make daily, such as what to wear and eat. If you're like most people, you probably don't feel perfect after making these "small" choices. It can leave you feeling drained, anxious, and even depressed. That is why self-made millionaires are so effective at avoiding procrastination.

William Bernard, an author of The 4-Hour Workweek, which has sold over 3 million copies, suggests that life is easier for entrepreneurs if you put limits on your decision-making and focus on the few choices that have the most significant impact on your life. He says, "I've found that I can make more progress toward any goal by dividing it into tiny pieces and then deciding how to tackle each piece."

2. Anticipate procrastination.

Most of us go through life ignoring our natural inclination to procrastinate — or we overreact in some way when we remember our tendency to procrastinate. The trick is to anticipate procrastination and plan for it. Doing so will help you avoid the urge to procrastinate and get down to business.

What do self-made millionaires do to anticipate procrastination? Bill Gates avoids it here: "I make future me happy by using my future self as an underling. I have him specify what sort of information and effort he can absorb. Then I set goals that conform to this capacity."

Oprah Winfrey shares a similar sentiment: "I never look back and think, 'Gee, I wish I'd done a little more in high school.' I always think, 'How can I use that?'"

3. Just get started.

Procrastination can signify that you're interested in taking on a project. It's not necessarily something to be feared. Experts are now arguing that procrastination might be essential to creativity and efficiency in the workplace. According to psychologist Tim Pychyl, author of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle, "procrastinators can delay gratification, have an easier time turning work down when it's not ideal, and don't have the same symptoms when work is rejected." He then says that procrastinators don't need rewards to keep them going — they enjoy their work.

If you're a procrastinator, the next time you get an urge to put off something, try starting, even if it's just a tiny part of your goal. It will help you overcome your tendency toward procrastination and get going.

4. Build momentum.

The most successful people in the world realize they can't do everything independently. They've learned to build momentum by surrounding themselves with people willing to help them and enjoy doing so. They have found team members who share their vision of success, and that can inspire them to work on their goals without feeling guilty or stressed out about it. As Donald Trump stated: "Most importantly, setting goals should be done with others. I've always found it is far easier to achieve success if you set goals with someone else than for yourself."

Even if you're not currently working with someone willing to help you, you may be able to find some people who are eager to be your support network. Consider reaching out to those around you and offering your help wherever they need it. This type of open-mindedness will allow you to build momentum towards achieving your goals.

5. Become a master of block time.

Too many people feel unproductive and frustrated by the lack of time for themselves, their families, and their friends. They start to feel guilty about all the time that they spend doing other things instead of focusing on the goals that they have set for themselves. According to Donald Trump: "I rarely schedule meetings with myself because I know I won't be able to leave early or reschedule. You can't do this with anyone else but yourself."

Many entrepreneurs have turned this habit around by blocking out a certain number of hours each week to work on their businesses or volunteer for a cause they believe in. For example, Bill Gates decided to devote an hour every day, starting at 6 am and finishing at noon, to work on his charity work. Oprah Winfrey routinely begins her day with meditation and exercise, followed by the time she has blocked off to work on her show and other projects.

6. Delegate tasks and expect perfection.

Many entrepreneurs avoid procrastination by delegating small tasks to other people. These individuals realize that they can't do everything themselves and have better things to do than dealing with smaller tasks efficiently completed by someone else. They know it's not their business or organization's goal to micromanage all those who work for them but rather to lead their business in a way that brings about success. Ultimately, they need to focus on the tasks that will bring success.

7. Put things off until tomorrow.

Another reason that it is so essential for you to get started on your projects is that it allows time for things to change. If you're planning a wedding for the near future, you probably don't want to put this off until the last minute. It would be best if you had time to make decisions, choose vendors, and ultimately, have a plan. Suppose you put this off until next week or next month. In that case, the wedding will take place without everything being planned. It will take much longer than if you'd just started the planning process sooner.

8. Take action sooner than later.

Many people are hesitant to take action on a project out of fear that the task will not succeed, leading to more procrastination. They want to get started but be prepared for failure and work on the project in a way that doesn't create any risk. However, pragmatism teaches us that it's often better to take action sooner rather than later. Don't let fear keep you from ever starting something because once you start, it is too late. If you procrastinate, you'll miss out on the opportunity to succeed.

9. Gratitude is a key to success.

Gratitude can be a key to overcoming procrastination. Still, it's important to remember that we don't need to feel gratitude for our actions for them to have positive results. It's enough that we take those actions with an attitude of gratitude, but not that we expect something good in return. According to Oprah Winfrey: "I believe in the law of attraction: That your thoughts and feelings create your reality, including the reality of your relationships." If you assume that your tasks will bring about negative results, it will make them harmful. If you believe that they will bring about positive results, it will make them positive.

10. Create better boundaries between work and play.

Many people who struggle with procrastination feel guilty about the time they spend playing, whether hanging out with friends and family or pursuing other hobbies. They get caught up in the idea that they must be working all the time, even when this isn't realistic. As a result, they don't take steps to overcome their procrastination because of these feelings of guilt and constantly feeling like there is something more vital for them to be doing.

To overcome procrastination and find success in many areas of our lives, we must create boundaries between work and play. In one post, Steve Pavlina wrote: "There is nothing wrong with working hard and staying busy because that's how you succeed. What is wrong is when you are so busy at work that you can't take the time for yourself." Your health, relationships, and hobbies are essential aspects of your life. Still, the first step to overcoming procrastination is to have a sustainable work-life balance. You don't have to devote your entire life to either business or pleasure; instead, you can find a way in which both contribute to your overall happiness and success.

11. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough.

The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. Many successful individuals believe this is true when it comes to overcoming procrastination. You do not need to take on a grand project to make real progress towards achieving your goals. Instead, all you need is one task or decision, which can set the chain reaction into motion, leading to success over time.

12. Schedule breaks for yourself.

A critical step in overcoming procrastination is to create time for yourself. To succeed, you have time to rest and relax, enjoy hobbies, and find time to do comfortable things that bring you joy. Without this time out of your schedule, you'll find it challenging to resist procrastination — even if the tasks at hand seem like something you love doing. The important thing is to ensure that you set aside enough time for yourself so that you're not constantly depriving yourself of what you truly want to achieve your goals.

13. Beware of what you complain about.

The interesting thing about procrastination is that it's often related to the things we have the most challenging time doing. If you complain about a project at work, you probably suffer from procrastination, if nothing else. Think about how many hours you spend complaining or even thinking negatively about the task. If there were an easy way to get started on it, you would already be actively working on it instead of wasting time complaining.

14. Ask for help when necessary.

A critical aspect of overcoming procrastination is learning to ask for help when necessary. There are those who, no matter how much effort they put in, can't seem to get past their procrastination. They see a task before them that needs to be completed and feel paralyzed by the responsibility and duty. Yet, for those of us who can see it, we need to ask for assistance so that we're able to take action and do what needs to be done rather than leaving it hanging in limbo.

15. Change your mindset.

Your mindset is one of the single most important factors in overcoming procrastination. If you constantly feel like you have no time during the day, chances are good that you will avoid getting started on those tasks that demand more of your time than others. To break free from procrastination, you need to change your mindset about how you spend your day and make it a priority to accomplish the things that you don't want to put off.

16. Take time for yourself whenever possible.

You can't succeed if you're not taking the time for yourself, no matter what kind of effort you put forth daily. If you can put a period at the end of every sentence that starts with "I do not have time," then chances are good that there will be less opportunity to procrastinate in your life and that you'll have more success when it comes to getting things done on time.

17. Give yourself achievable goals.

You need to lay out a plan of action for yourself and find ways in which you can reach your short- and long-term goals, despite your procrastination. If you set too lofty of a plan, you'll be tempted to procrastinate to make it happen. However, the more realistic the goal is, and the simpler it is, the chances are that you'll continue seeing progress towards it even when you feel inclined not to do so.

18. Reward yourself for the things that you accomplish.

We all need motivation to succeed, especially when it comes to overcoming procrastination. This can come in all shapes and forms, whether getting a pedicure after a significant accomplishment or making a list of everything you've managed to get done throughout the day. To reach your goals and overcome procrastination, you need to find a way in which you can reward yourself for the things that you do get done.

19. Take time each day to think about why you do what you do.

A critical step towards overcoming procrastination is thinking about what motivates and inspires you in your work every day. If you do this, you'll be better able to stay disciplined and focused when it comes to things you don't want to put off. You'll start progressing towards your goals in a way that will lead to long-term success rather than being caught up in the cycle of procrastination.

20. Break down big projects into smaller pieces.

Consider breaking it down into smaller tasks if you're working on a big project. For example, if you're writing a book or developing software, ensure that the sections are finished before moving on to the next one. This will prevent you from having to work on one big project for an extended period.

21. Make a list of things that you enjoy about the task at hand.

Challenge yourself to list five things you like about the task that you don't want to put off. For instance, I used to hate writing articles. Now I love doing it, thanks partly because they pay me well, it's something I enjoy doing, and it helps me reach my goals every month. Suppose you can find the small pleasures in what you're doing. In that case, chances are good that you'll continue loving your work despite any procrastination around the project.

22. Reward yourself for taking good care of yourself.

The truth is that taking care of your body will reward you with physical and mental benefits. To overcome procrastination, you need to make sure that you're doing things that will improve your health so that you remain disciplined and committed to your goals. For instance, I'm a regular Zumba instructor because I know that I get an excellent workout when I do it — and it helps me get through the rest of my day!

There's no reason we should put off those things we truly love doing in our lives — whether we're talking about working towards our goals or just general maintenance. The problem with procrastination is that it can cause you to waste money and time on things you end up not doing. With this in mind, let's combat the adverse effects of procrastination and make the most of our days by overcoming procrastination and getting more out of life.

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