How to Achieve More by Dealing with Resistance

 What is Resistance?

Resistance is the force that gets in your way, every day, and keeps you from getting what you want. Resistance is the impulse to put yourself on autopilot so that you can go back to doing what you’ve always done. It’s voice in your head that whispers “yeah, but…” and urges you to take the path of least resistance instead of going for your dreams. Resistance says “keep it simple, stay safe.” 

Resistance may not seem like a huge problem at first glance: after all, everyone has resistance and everyone deals with it one way or another. But Resistance really does sabotage our success. It makes us want to take the easy way out, because it’s easier and safer. It’s what keeps us from growing or leaving our comfort zones. And it’s the biggest obstacle between you and your success.

You might think that resistance is only a problem if you have big dreams or high expectations for yourself, but that isn’t true at all. In fact, every dream has its own resistance. And that resistance is what holds you back from living the life you want to live.

What Is Resistance Doing to You Right Now?

Every time you do something new and unexpected, every time you go against the grain of your old habits, every time you take on a challenge, or even every once in a while when you blow it, you’re dealing with resistance.

Resistance says “try harder, but not too hard” and “put yourself down if there’s any fear at all.” It whispers “you should be happy with your life right now because it can always be worse.”

It tells you to give up now, and take the safe way out. It’s like a voice inside your head that’s always telling you “no,” except this time it has a name: Resistance.

How to Deal with Resistance

If you want to live a successful life, the first step is dealing with resistance and how it sabotages your success. Here are some ideas for overcoming it:

Ask yourself: “What’s the worst that could happen?” Or “What could I gain if I took some small action right now?” If you can see a positive outcome, even if it isn’t what you really want, do something to get started. Do some research or get advice from someone who has experience and has succeeded in what you want to do. Then turn these actions into a plan and take the first steps. As long as you’re moving forward, resistance won’t be able to stop you. For a moment, stop thinking about the outcome of your actions and focus on the actions themselves. If you aren’t sure what to do next, think about something that you already know how to do and can do right now. This will give you confidence that you can start moving forward right now, and as long as your action is something positive, it will help you build momentum. If at first you don’t succeed, try again with more action or different tactics until it works. When we keep taking small steps in the direction of our dreams even though we have resistance, we eventually get through and overcome our resistance. Keep trying, and you will get there. Take a moment to imagine what it would be like if you had done this action or completed this project. What would a “big success” look like? Notice what happens. Pay attention to your body, mind, and emotions. Do this for a few minutes at least twice a day. You’ll learn what you want from your goals and dreams, and you’ll be able to see your success in the future more clearly. We have all kinds of ideas about who we are and what we can do, but resistance doesn’t help us become our best selves. It tells us that we should be doing something else or settling for less than we deserve. But if you fill your dreams with positive energy and keep going, you will be unstoppable.

Resistance is the biggest obstacle between you and your success, but it doesn’t have to hold you back forever. With a few simple steps, every day, you can overcome it. You can achieve more by dealing directly with the resistance that gets in your way and keeps you from living the life that is meant for you. You can achieve more by facing the resistance head on so that it doesn’t sneak up on you at unexpected moments or derail your success from within.


Resistance is the biggest obstacle between you and your success. It’s the voice in your head that keeps you from going for what you want most, but it doesn’t have to stay an obstacle for much longer. With a few simple steps, every day, you can overcome it. Whether it’s something small or a big dream, resistance gets in your way and keeps you from achieving what’s important to you.

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