How To Attract Everything You Desire Effortlessly!

 I have come to believe that the key to attracting everything you desire effortlessly is through your unique vibration. Whether it's money, opportunities, relationships or anything else, I'm going to teach you how your vibration affects the way they show up in your life and then how you can use this secret to attract more of what you want instantly.

The Law of Vibration

Everything in your world is constantly vibrating. If you're reading this article, you're vibrating at a speed of about 2,000 vibrations per second. This means that everything around you is constantly moving and shifting.

For example, if there are several people in a room talking to one another, they are all using their voices to communicate their thoughts and feelings at different speeds depending on the subject matter. The different frequencies help people distinguish between background noise and voice communication as they can pick up on certain tones faster than others.

In the same way that there are frequencies that we use to communicate with each other verbally, we also have an energetic vibration. These vibrations can be measured by taking a look at our thoughts, feelings and emotions as they affect our physical world.

Our thoughts are vibrations. So are our feelings and emotions. The higher we raise our vibration, the more positive we become because we are adding to the environment around us rather than taking away from it.

The Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy, so the higher your vibration is, the more you attract more positive things into your life. In fact, this has been proven. There was a study done in 2008 by the HeartMath Institute that measured the heart rates of individuals while they were experiencing different emotions. They found that when the people participating in this experiment raised their vibrations, they began to attract more positive things into their life instantly!

If you're feeling down and out, by raising your own vibration you'll begin to feel better immediately. This is because the higher your frequency at which you're vibrating at, the more positive things will begin to enter your life.

The thing is, it's not enough just to raise your vibration in general. You have to learn how to use this specific type of energy that affects the way you are putting things into your life. So, let's explore this concept one step at a time so you can begin adding more positive things into your life right away.

How To Use The Law Of Vibration To Attract More Good Stuff Into Your Life

When we're trying to attract positive things into our life, we must first know where these positive things come from. The first thing is being aware of what makes you happy and then consciously implementing the same thoughts and feelings into your daily life so that they become a part of who you are on a daily basis. You must do this in order for them to be able to enter your reality.

Your thoughts are vibrations.

The things you think about, the things you worry about, the things you obsess over and the things that make you angry are all affecting your life in one way or another. But, it's not enough just to wait for great opportunities and good things to come into your life by chance. Instead, what you have to do is become aware of how your emotions and thoughts affect the world around you so that you can create whatever it is that you're looking for at any specific moment.

As I've said before, we attract like energy which means when we're vibrating at a lower reading on the emotional scale, we tend to attract more negative situations into our lives such as stress and anxiety. On the other hand, when we're vibrating at a higher frequency, we attract more positive things into our life.

It all comes down to energy. The higher your frequency is, the more in-tune you are with what you want and the less resistance there is before it can manifest itself in your life. So, how do you raise your vibration? Here are a few ways:

Meditate The best way to raise your vibration level instantly is through meditation. Meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate while at the same time increasing alpha brain waves that allow you to enter into a relaxed state of focus and awareness.

Try using a mantra that you repeat in your head to help you lock yourself into a positive vibration. Mantras are powerful vibrational tools that create an instant sense of peace, contentment and happiness. They work by helping you rid your thoughts of any negativity and begin to focus on attracting more good things into your life.

Start Making Positive Affirmations How many times have you heard someone say, "That'll never happen to me," or "I'm not good enough for that." What's the first thing that happens when you say those types of either negative or positive statements? They become barriers to your success and it makes you feel like what you want is out of reach. Instead, see how it feels when you make your own positive affirmations.

Write It Down You can turn what seems impossible into something possible by writing down the hours on a piece of paper with the date of when it started. By doing this, you're creating something out of nothing. This could help you to be more focused on what you want by helping you to focus on the present moment and become more aware of what is going on around you in order to help manifest this into your life.

Be Aware Of How Your Thoughts Affect Your World Around You

There are certain thoughts and feelings that we can't control so we have to learn how to embrace them in order to make the best use of them. When it comes to our emotions, there is no such thing as positive or negative. They are simply the energy that helps us change from one state of being (happy or sad) into another state of being (peaceful or angry).

As a human, our negative emotions are the ones that help us focus on the things we want to change or fix in order to make something better. For example, if we're feeling sad, this sends us a message that there is something we need to change within ourselves so that we can feel better. On the other hand, when we're feeling happy and content, this signals to us that all of our thoughts have been right and allows us to stay focused on what is making us feel good in the moment.

In my own experience practicing spirituality and law of attraction techniques over the last five years I have learned that in order for positive things to enter your life you must be able to accept whatever it is you are feeling. The best way to do this is to remain aware of what your emotions are trying to tell you and only allow it to affect you for a little while. Don't worry about how you feel afterwards, just live in the moment and be present.

You must learn how to control your thoughts and feelings so that they don't rule your life. Your thoughts are what make up the world that you live in and choosing not to think about it is an easy way for you to escape from all of the negative things that come with life. When we choose not to think about these things we begin living in a world full of fantasy where there is no proof or evidence for what we're thinking or feeling.


It's important to remember to be grateful for what you have and to take the time to notice the things that make you happy and those things that bring you joy. What I like to do is write a list of all of the good things in my life and then ask myself, "What can I do today to make my life even better?" This way all of these positive things, which we begin writing down every single day, will begin working together as one big team that will help us manifest exactly what we want into our lives.

Personally, whenever I fall down on being grateful for what I already have I quickly become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety.

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