How To Be Confident And Relaxed When Speaking Before A Group Of People (Powerful Tips To Help You Become A Highly Effective Speaker/Presenter)

 As you probably know, public speaking is a very unpleasant experience. It leaves people feeling nervous and anxious, with many even getting the shakes during their speech. So how can you get over your fear of public speaking?

Here are some tips to try out:

1) Practice before going forth - The first step in overcoming your fear of public speaking is practicing as much as possible. Just like anything else in life you need to practice with something before it becomes natural for you to react without fear or anxiety. So practice before you go forth and speak. Practice in front of a mirror if you have to, even if it is for only a few minutes. Just not being afraid to see yourself speak will increase your confidence greatly.

2) Speak slowly - Another thing you can do is speak slowly to calm your nerves and help you gain more confidence as well. Speaking slowly can give off the impression that you are confident, even when in reality you are quite nervous inside. As you speak slowly to yourself, you will eventually feel calmer and more relaxed. This method of speaking will also calm your nerves faster than if you were to speak out loud.

3) Talk about something other than public speaking - If you want to get over the fear of public speaking, then try talking about something completely unrelated to public speaking. After a speech, try and talk about some happy event that took place at the party or conference that you were attending, and how it made you feel. This is not only a good way to get over your public speaking anxiety, but it is also a good way to initiate conversation with others. So practice something other than public speaking to help get your mind off of the subject.

4) Practice and rehearse out loud - Another benefit of practicing out loud is that it helps you get used to hearing your voice in public. Many people have problems speaking out loud due to this fact, so again, practice out loud as often as possible. If you have a microphone, then feel free to use it as well. This will help build your confidence up even faster and make you less nervous, as well.

5) Try to think of new things - Do not try to always think about public speaking when you are trying to get over your fear of public speaking. Instead try thinking about something else, such as the rain falling outside, or birds flying by your window. This will help you steer your thoughts away from the subject of public speaking.

6) Learn public speaking skills - Another way you can get over your fear of public speaking is by learning about public speaking. You need to learn about body language and how it can affect the crowd, what words to use and what not to say, and more. Once you learn about these things, then you will be better able to control the anxiety that comes with it. This is also a great way for you to get better at public speaking as well.

7) Don't worry about being perfect - One mistake that many people make is thinking that they have to be perfect when it comes to public speaking. However, this is not true, and will only cause you more stress. Instead of worrying about the fact that you are standing in front of a group of people, try and focus on the subject of your speech. It will help to calm your nerves and allow you to better control them as well.

8) Take breaks - Another thing you can do to help get over your fear of public speaking is to take breaks. Only allow yourself to speak without a break for about ten minutes at a time before you continue, as this will allow you more time to relax and get over the anxiety that comes with public speaking.

9) Don't be nervous - The last thing you can do is don't be nervous. Be yourself and try and let your audience see the real you, not the person that is nervous. According to research, this is one of the best ways to relieve anxiety.

So don't forget to try these tips out when trying to get over your fear of public speaking. It not only will help you get over your fear of public speaking, but it will also help you relax and speak with more confidence in general.

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