How To Be Interesting

Being interesting is one of the most important skills one can possess. It's not enough to just not be boring, as that's a low standard for any skillset. Instead, you want to be a fascinating conversationalist with a unique perspective on things and opinions worth paying attention to. Here are some tips to help you become more interesting.

Tip #1: You need to find something fascinating about your personality or life story
Everyone has something they find interesting about themselves or their story that sets them apart from others. If you can find the interesting part of yourself, you can become the interesting person people are interested to talk to.

Tip #2: You need to make others see the one thing about you or your life story that's fascinating
This is where being a good storyteller comes in handy. Showing others how interesting you are is something everyone can do because everyone has something that interests them at least a little bit. Make others see what interests you and show them all your incredibly unique qualities.

Tip #3: You need to talk about what interests you or your story with people who share that interest
Conversation is a two-way street, and everyone wants someone to talk to. If you see a person who looks like a good conversation partner, strike up a conversation with them. Ask them about their interests and talk about your own. Offer to show them something interesting, and offer to prove that whatever you share is interesting through the use of quirkiness and flair.

Tip #4: You need to stop talking about what does not interest you or your story
You don't have to talk about things you find uninteresting. Even if you are with someone you think might be interested in what interests you, if that person isn't already engaged in a discussion on the relevant topic, your attempts to bring up that topic with them will only make them want to end the conversation. Instead, find something else to talk about.

Tip #5: You need to be interesting in as many situations as possible
You need to be interesting enough that people will want to talk to you, even when they have other options. The easiest way to do this is with multiple interests and a few hobbies that you can tie into anything relevant. For example, if you play a sport or are interested in playing a sport, you can bring it up in certain conversations and use it as an ice breaker. You will be less likely to be boring if you have a variety of interests, and you can use those interests in whatever situation you find yourself.

Tip #6: You need to be interesting by being a good storyteller
One of the best ways to make people want to talk to you is by telling them a story they haven't heard before and that they find interesting. If you can make up an interesting story, even better. You don't need to be an expert storyteller, but you will need to practice enough that you become a good one.

Tip #7: You need to be interesting by being able to talk about things that are relevant in your life
If you can't tell people about things going on in your life, they will lose interest. By telling things about yourself that are interesting and happen to be true, you can become more interesting.

Tip #8: You need to be interesting in character
Instead of telling people you're interesting because of the quirkiness of your personality or because you have a unique life story, you can get people talking about your character by being interesting even in non-confrontational situations. For example, if someone is rude to you, tell them they need to learn how to be polite. If someone talks down to you and makes fun of your work, correct them. If someone talks badly about someone else and you are knowledgeable about that person, let them know you can talk about the person in question without making any mistakes.

Tip #9: You need to be interesting by being right
Making yourself right is another way to get people interested in your opinion. If you don't view things the same way others do, they may think you have a different opinion on the subject they are talking about. If they see you as the person with an interesting perspective, they might want to hear what you have to say on the subject.

Tip #10: You need to be interesting by being different
Being more interested in something than everyone else is a good way to achieve this. If you're into something completely different than everyone else, you will be less likely to just blend into the background and not be noticed for anything at all.

Okay, so I hope by now you understand what being interesting really is and how to achieve this. You don't need to be an expert in everything, or even anything at all. What you do need is a unique perspective that other people want to talk about, a skill of being able to make people see you as fascinating by them seeing what interests you, and a skill of making others see that it is your unique perspective they want to hear.


Making yourself interesting is like making yourself a friend, only you're making yourself interesting instead of loyal or funny. It's an important skill to have, because it will make you attractive to others in ways that being smart or good looking just can't. Having the ability to be interesting will give you the ability to talk to anyone and gain power in your life since people will want to hear what you have to say. It's one of the most useful skills anyone can possess.

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