5 Tips On How To Build Self Confidence Today.


5 Tips On How To Build Self Confidence Today.

"As far as I'm concerned,

the highest compliment anyone can pay me is this:

You're not the person you used to be" — Dr Seuss. 

This quote puts the idea into perspective and emphasizes that we are in an ever-evolving growth process, sometimes dramatically achieving significant changes. The same does happen within our minds and psyche too! We can drastically change for the better by learning to build self-confidence today.

It's never too late to improve on what you have or to establish new habits.

Below are five simple steps that will help you achieve self-confidence today. You don't need to wait for a magic pill to make this happen or for someone else to tell you it'll happen. All you need is the readiness to do it!

1) Stop comparing yourself with others.

Most of us constantly compare ourselves with others regarding our physical appearance, achievements and social reputation. Everyone does this subconsciously and unconsciously most of the time! We compare ourselves with others without realizing it.

It is only when you realize this and try to stop it that you start to feel the real difference in your life. Self-confidence today begins with the realization that self-competition isn't worth it.

2) Think positively about yourself.

A lot of times, we downplay our potential and potential in general. We tend to put ourselves down by saying things like "I'm not good at math", "she's more talented than me", and "he is more intelligent..". It doesn't matter what particular trait you're talking about; we tend to compare people's attributes with our own, always putting ourselves down in the process.

The more you repeat this habit, the more you'll be prone to it! It's like rehearsing something repeatedly until you get perfect at it.

Stop punching yourself up, and start thinking positively about your potential.  You feel good around people who make you think positively about yourself, rather than talking down on others. This is one of the ways to build self-confidence today.

3) Change negative self-talk into positive ones.

Most of us tend to talk negatively about ourselves, in our heads and out loud. The first step towards changing negative self-talk into positive ones usually involves realizing it's not true.

You might be saying, "I'm just not that good at math", which is negative self-talk leading to low confidence. How can you change this into a positive one?

Say instead, "I'm good at math, and I'm proud of it!"

Then, repeat this over and over again. The more you talk positively about yourself, the more confident you'll feel. At the same time, positive self-talk will help you stay motivated and consistent with doing things well.

4) Avoid seeking external validation for what you do well or do badly.

In your quest to build self-confidence today, avoid seeking external validation for what you do well or do poorly. This is a dangerous habit that can lead to low self-confidence.

You might say, "I'm not good at math, so someone else should tell me that I am good at math!"

Then, try to get feedback from others on this issue healthily. If a friend says you're good at math, that's great! If a teacher tells you you're not doing well in school, ask them out of the blue what's the problem and resolve it.

If teachers don't talk to students directly, parents can often help them. These two groups of people can give constructive feedback on what they think is going wrong and how to solve it.

The key here is to seek genuine feedback that leads you to self-improvement without seeking external validation for what you do well or do poorly. If you seek external validation for everything, in one way or the other, there will be a sense of dependency on others instead of self-confidence today.

5) Stop depending on your looks or physique.

Another easy way to build self-confidence today is by stopping the habit of depending on your looks and physique for getting things done. We aren't born with the same body type or mind that other people have.

We are all different, and we should accept this fact. If you see something that isn't proper or has a problem with your body, it's not because someone failed to get it right. It's just because of the uniqueness of our minds and body.

You might be saying, "She is more beautiful than me" about her clothes, makeup and other looks. "He is smarter than me", etc., just negative self-talk leading to low confidence.

Try to focus on the things that you have and do well. Stop comparing yourself with others in terms of looks and body. Take pride in your uniqueness and take good care of it by improving on areas that need improvement.

By doing this, you build self-confidence today, which helps you live a happier life.

Those were five practical tips on how to build self-confidence starting today!

It's never too late to do this; you don't have to spend money on pills or other materials.

You can change your life by building self-confidence today.

It's just a matter of choosing which approach works best for you and putting it into action. You have to be ready to make changes to see improvements.

Self-confidence is the basis of all success, big or small!  So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start taking action today so that you can build self-confidence!

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