50+ Great Tips To Stamp Out Loneliness.


50+ Great Tips To Stamp Out Loneliness.

"Loneliness is a state of feeling disconnected from people and lacking companionship. It can result in feelings of distress, sadness, anger, and anxiety." - PsychCentral.

It's easy to get down on yourself when you're lonely. Loneliness isn't just annoying or sad; it makes your health worse. Research has shown that people who feel alone experience higher rates of heart disease and depression than people who are not lonely. And for those with chronic conditions like diabetes or asthma, isolation can lead to severe complications. It's not worth risking your health over feeling a little bit abandoned if there are ways to work through this issue with the help of technology. Here are some tips to help you fight loneliness and improve your health.

1. Get a dog.

Woof woof! Who wouldn't want a dog? Dogs are loyal and happy companions who never judge and want to curl up next to you. You can also get an excellent specimen like a Lab or Golden Retriever without breaking the bank. Your new pup will give you unconditional love and be at your side every day of the year, not just on holidays. If you work full-time, consider adopting a senior dog that needs extra TLC in his golden years because he'll love you even more than most other dogs do as an older dog!

2. Sign up for a class or paint night.

Loneliness often results from feeling disconnected from others, so it makes sense that you can combat that feeling by connecting with others! Sign up for a class at your local community centre or participate in a local Meetup group. Signing up for something new has tons of mental health benefits, including increased feelings of well-being and increased cognitive stimulation (which protects your mind from dementia).

3. Make an effort to connect with people on social media.

Whether scrolling through Facebook or tweeting on Twitter, social media is a great way to reach out to friends and get to know new people. And if you don't own a computer and phone, your local library probably has computers with Wi-Fi and Internet access that you can use.

4. Try online dating.

If you're ready to start dating after a breakup but not sure where to start, an online dating site like OkCupid or Match will introduce you to tons of potential matches! Check out our comparison of the top dating sites to find the right one for you and give it a whirl! Even if Nothing comes out of it, you'll have fun trying! Or stay friends with people on Facebook; who knows? Maybe that's all the love you need.

5. Make plans.

Sometimes, making plans can help stop feelings of loneliness before they reach a critical mass. You don't have to make plans with people; you can make plans just for yourself! Take yourself out on a date or plan a night in with wine and Netflix—either option will do the trick. Even if you don't love your company, it'll be better than Nothing!

6. Sign up for volunteer opportunities.

Focusing your attention on other people instead of yourself can bring a lot of rewards, both physical and mental. If you're looking for something to do in your free time but don't know where to start, look into local opportunities like volunteering at a hospital or library open house. You might even make some lifelong friends in the process!

7. Take a class or join a club.

Whether the class is painting, photography, or entrepreneurship, you can learn much from taking a class with others. The social aspect of learning something new (whether it's about your pastime or something unrelated) can help take your mind off loneliness and also bring you new friends you never would've met otherwise! Nothing immensely boosts your self-esteem like knowing you can do things other people find difficult!

8. Go to the grocery store with a list.

When you're lonely or feel low, you'll compare your life to everyone else's. Even if you wouldn't want to socialize with strangers, going to the grocery store with a list can help put things in perspective. You may be surprised by how much food you need and what goes on sale every week!

9. Volunteer at your local animal shelter.

Sometimes, spending time with animals can make loneliness worse. If that's the case for you, volunteering at your local animal shelter might help take up some of your time. You'll get to spend time with other people in the community, you can learn about new animals and their stories, and you'll make a difference in the lives of the animals themselves! Plus, it's one way to de-stress your day and help the cause at once.

10. Get some friends!

Once you have a sound support system, this one is pretty easy! Talk it with your best friend or even someone from church and see if they'd be willing to hang out together often. If you have time available on the weekend, try to meet up with friends for a coffee or walk together. You can help out your soul and your body by making those connections!

11. Go on a date!

It may sound challenging to put yourself out there, but it's worth it! It'll give you something to look forward to and might help your loneliness disappear faster than your morning coffee ☕ Don't be afraid to reach out and ask people on dates—and follow up with them afterwards if they aren't as interested in hanging out. Out as you hoped! Just remember that dating can get awkward. Sometimes. But at least you'll be one step closer to feeling less alone!

12. Plan a vacation.

A vacation with friends can be a great way to get out of a rut and feel like your usual, happy self again. Travelling around the country, joining an adventure race, or just taking a trip to a nearby state—whatever you decide! The point is that you'll have tons of fun and meet new people along the way!

13. Get a massage.

While it doesn't cure loneliness, it can help alleviate some of the stress that's been building within you over time. It's also great to break the ice with a stranger and get to know them better! And as long as you're getting massages from wholly safe and reputable establishments, you don't have to feel too bad about it. The massage may help with some of the tension in your body, but it's not therapy for loneliness. Yet!

14. Maintain social responsibilities.

If you work at an office or elsewhere where you need to be on the clock, ensure you are still maintaining your social responsibilities in your free time! Setting up a Meetup group or volunteering somewhere close by will help keep things moving forward during these rough times. You may even make some new friends too!

15. Get involved in your community.

As you become more involved in your community, you'll connect with new people and local establishments. You can start by volunteering to clean up around town, participating in a speed-friending event, or even making plans for the 4th of July parade! It takes a little research and one phone call to get things going. You'll grow so much as a person—and you might even meet someone special along the way!

16. Get outside more often.

Remember, your brain and body are made to move! Not only will you see the world around you change in various ways, but it'll also help get your mind off loneliness. You might even make new friends while you're out there!

17. Visit a place that inspires you.

The place where you find yourself sitting late at night, staring off into the distance—that's where loneliness starts to take hold. Go somewhere that inspires you—whether it's an art museum or historical site. Apply for a scholarship or join an art school if that's an option for you—or go on a simple day trip! You're worth it!

18. Get some sleep.

Lack of sleep can lead to physical and mental problems, including loneliness. Make sure you're getting the rest you need—and if you still feel lonely, be sure to seek out a therapist or doctor to help address your symptoms!

19. Quit comparing yourself to others.

This might sound like a trite tip, but it's so important. Stop it if you're lonely because you compare your life to others! Everyone has their dreams and goals that make them happy—and that's perfectly fine! You don't have to do what they do to feel fulfilled. Stop comparing your life and start living within it instead!

20. Increase your social media presence.

If you're on social media, make sure you're using it as a platform to help others—not to boost your feelings of loneliness. Be sure to interact with people in a way that's honest, kind, and helpful—and don't be afraid to be yourself! Ask questions about their lives, listen to them talk about their day, and learn from them! You'll feel much better about your life and what you do by increasing your social media presence!

21. Look on the bright side.

No matter how tough things are for you, staying positive is essential. Because ultimately, there are only two possibilities: Things go up from here or down from here. You don't have to let loneliness win!

22. Practice gratitude.

It's so easy to let life pass you by without stopping to look at its amazing things. If you can keep your eyes open and see what's around you, your life might feel like a different place! Even the most minor things in life—like one tomato from your garden or a friendly cat that greets you daily—can make all the difference in the world! Try to find these precious moments daily and make them something to focus on instead of feeling lonely.

23. Go outside more often.

You're missing out if you aren't getting fresh air and sunshine daily. Get yourself outside to get a feel for the weather, see your surroundings, and possibly find a new friend on your walk!

24. Be very kind to yourself.

Self-compassion can go a long way in helping you feel better about yourself and your life situation. If you're feeling lonely, remember that you're still young, healthy, and have many lives left in front of you. Keep your mind off the things wrong with your life and focus on all the fantastic things about it!

25. Cry or get it out there.

When the cards are stacked against us, and we feel like we can't take another step forward—it's essential to know that many people out there are feeling just as bad as you are. If you feel like a huge weight is pulling on your shoulders, let yourself grieve that you can't do everything it seems everyone else can. Doing this can help you feel better about yourself and the situation—so take a deep breath and go ahead and cry.

26. Spend some time in nature.

Getting back to your roots will do wonders for your mood! Nature has a way of helping us feel calm and rejuvenated, even if we're feeling down at the moment. If you're away from it all but still have access to a screen, check out our tips for enjoying nature without distractions here.

27. Adjust your expectations of what's possible in life.

You might have set a goal for yourself that seems completely unattainable right now. But you can always make it work! Be sure to sit down and discuss your plans with someone who holds your best interest at heart—a mentor, a friend, or someone else. Once you work through this big step, the rest of your life will start to fall into place! To help you get started, try asking yourself: "What would I do if I knew I could not fail?"

28. Do something nice for someone else.

It's so easy to get caught up in our feelings of loneliness that we forget how lucky we are. Don't forget that the next person you meet may just be going through something as challenging as you are. Being friendly and kind to others can go a long way in helping you feel lighter and more hopeful about your life!

29. Tension, anxiety, and stress can all contribute to loneliness.

If you're feeling anxious about a future event or situation, it can lead to feelings of loneliness. Don't let this keep you from living life as it's supposed to! Try meditation or yoga! Or, if other things cause you too much anxiety, try finding ways to work through them.

30. Go outside, get some exercise, and enjoy the sunshine.

When you're feeling lonely, you might want to take a moment to go for a walk or jog around the block. Just as physical activity can help you feel better about yourself and your life, it can also be an incredible way to meet new people! It's all about having an open heart, which starts with being available to others! Try taking walks in parks or trails—or just going for a long walk on your own. Remember that the sun's out there somewhere!

31. Be kind and considerate of others.

It might feel like the only way to feel better, but if you're being rude and critical to those around you, it will lead you down a much more lonely path. Being friendly and considerate in all your interactions can go a long way in helping others like you feel good about themselves too!

32. Accept that loneliness is part of life.

Loneliness is all around us, and it's impossible to escape it entirely or eliminate it. You'll have to learn how to cope with loneliness to be as happy as possible while living. Just remember that there are moments of the absolute joy awaiting us when we least expect them—whether we're alone or not!

33. Be grateful for your good qualities, accomplishments, and relationships.

It might not feel like it sometimes, but you're much better off than most people worldwide. This can be overwhelming, so try to focus on what you have rather than what you don't have. Remember that you aren't alone—you have friends, family members, and a group of people who love and care about you!

34. Get social support.

Find a friend or trusted mentor with whom to vent about the things that are stressing you out. Having someone to talk to and get social support from can help you feel better about yourself and your life. You can't solve your problems alone, so don't try! Reach out and let others help you.

35. Don't compare yourself to others or what other people have.

The grass is always greener on the other side, but it's not worth feeling bad. Be happy for others, but don't compare yourself to them. You may spend your life trying to be someone you're not and end up feeling worse. Be happy with yourself and make the most of your life!

36. Set some realistic goals for yourself.

When taking steps to improve your life, don't ignore the importance of setting realistic goals for yourself. You'll feel better about what you've accomplished, which will help you keep going even when times get tough. Find practical purposes that aren't too time-consuming to stay focused on your happiness!

37. Think more positive thoughts about yourself, others, and the world around you.

It can be easy to focus on not being happy and on other people's happiness while ignoring our own. It feels terrible to be in a bad mood, so you might want to avoid being around it all the time—and that's a recipe for unhappiness! But even when you're happy, positive thoughts can help you feel better about life.

38. Cultivate a more profound sense of gratitude.

No matter how nice your life is, it would help if you always tried to feel grateful for everything that comes your way. This will help you feel better about yourself, your relationship with others, and the world around you. You don't need to be joyful on demand—remember to thank people and enjoy the moments of your life when you're feeling good.

39. Be a good listener.

It can help to surround yourself with people who make you feel better about life. Find a friend or mentor with whom you can be honest about your thoughts, and tell them how much you appreciate them.

40. Look for more opportunities for social connection.

Sometimes, it's all about going out and meeting people. Go to happy hours, parties, or other events in your neighbourhood—and don't feel bad when you don't know anyone there! You might meet someone new that turns out to be the best friend you've ever had!

41. Enjoy the part of life when you're alone on your terms.

If you're an introvert, you know how to love being alone. But if you aren't, try going on an introvert adventure by creating a list of things you want to do yourself. Take yourself out on a date! Or go somewhere that's quiet and relaxing—you'll be surprised at how much being alone can make you feel happier.

42. Consider getting professional help or outside support.

When you're feeling down about feelings of loneliness or isolation, consider talking with a counsellor or other mental health professional. Talking is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself, and it can help you feel better about life!

43. Get enough sleep.

Sleep is essential to every aspect of our lives, and insomnia can leave us feeling more down than we should be. Waking up and feeling tired throughout the day can make us feel like there's no way we'll ever be happy—but waking up fresh and ready to go will help you feel better about everything in your life!

44. Let go of negative things in your life.

Feeling like you're not good enough is often caused by things in your life that you can't control. Don't worry about what others think of you or how they see you—focus on feeling good about yourself and taking care of your happiness. You can do amazing things, and it doesn't matter what other people think!

45. Exercise regularly.

People who feel great about their bodies tend to feel much better about their lives as a whole too. Regular exercise can lift your mood and make you look and feel better than you have in a long time. Just plan it strategically so that you stick with it!

46. Spend more time with people who make you happy.

When we feel alone, we sometimes think that happiness is all about spending time with great people—but this is rarely the correct method to get happy all the time. Spending time with unhappy or irritating people can make us feel like we want to be alone too. It can help to surround yourself with positive people so that you're happy every day!

47. Don't compare yourself to other people or compare your life with other people's lives.

When you compare your life and your situation with other people's lives, you'll never be happy with what you have. Instead of worrying about their happiness, focus on caring for your feelings!

48. Take care of yourself.

Please don't ignore the fact that it can help you care for yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. There's a reason people always want to feel better about themselves—because it's easier to live life when we're strong and healthy! Make sure you're doing daily things that keep you feeling good so you can keep living the way YOU want to!

49. Don't ask for things that make people feel bad about themselves.

If you ask someone to do something that will make them feel bad about themselves or feel like they failed, they'll be less likely to want to do it in the future. Asking people to feel bad about themselves makes them feel bad about spending time with you! Keep things light and fun so that they want to hang out with you again!

50. Focus on what makes you happy instead of on what makes others happy.

One way to stop feeling bad about yourself is to focus on your life experiences instead of basing your happiness on others' happiness. Everyone else is not you, and you're not them. You can be happy and fulfilled on your terms—don't let other people bring you down!

51. Spend time with people who make you laugh.

People who always seem cheerful and happy often do it because they constantly laugh at the things they see around them. Don't worry about being comfortable when it comes to making fun of others—you'll never feel better about your life than when you're laughing at things that seem absurd!

52. Surround yourself with animals or plants that make you feel good about yourself.

Having a pet that depends on you can make you feel great about your emotions and yourself. If you want to feel good, surround yourself with animals or plants that need your love and care!

53. Don't take things too personally—primarily when they're intended to be funny.

When someone makes a joke, don't take it for more than it is—and don't think about it past the moment it's told. Laugh along with them and enjoy the moment!

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