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"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill.
This quote embodies the idea that while we often put off opportunities because it seems complicated, seeing how an option is a way to expand your mind and grow as a person can be rewarding. It also shows that there can be more than one side to something, not just the good or evil side, but both together in unison. It is often more complicated than simple black and white, even though that is the image many people hold of situations. The quote also reminds us to be realistic in our views, understanding that there will always be difficulties with something, but you can turn that difficulty into an opportunity.
As children, we are taught to categorize everything into specific categories: good or bad, easy or hard, and right or wrong as adults, struggles are increased because we have become used to this mindset and continue to fall into the same traps. It is not until we break these norms that we can start looking at things differently. It is not always easy to break out of that mindset, but if we challenge ourselves to think outside of the box, we can become a much more complete individual.
Perspective is so important when it comes to making decisions. If you are looking through your lens on life and all you see is everything going wrong and obstacles in the way, it becomes challenging to make choices because it seems like everything will be difficult. I used to feel this way about many things in life, but at some point, I decided I needed a change in perspective to view life differently. Sometimes I still look back at some life experiences and scenes where I wish things had turned out differently, but ultimately I would look at what I learned from the experience.
There are a lot of other factors that come into play when making decisions. Often the choices we make will affect others. It is not always simple to think about all those other people whose lives are affected by our choices and make the best decision for them. Sometimes you have to step away from your initial thoughts of something being either good or bad and consider that there is someone who will be affected by your actions, whether positively or negatively.
I think about the quote often because I am a big believer in thinking outside of the box. If you think about life situations and can't seem to make any decisions, maybe it's time to shift your perspective. Not everything is as simple as black and white, but with every choice you make, there will be obstacles; how we deal with those obstacles makes us who we are.
Example of using Winston Churchill's quote:
Pessimist: The world has been against me all my life. Now I am working on this new computer program; I am afraid that it will be rejected because so many bugs need to be worked out.
Optimist: This new program looks very promising and far superior to any the competition has put out. Instead of focusing on the negative, it's time to focus on the positive. This new technology might get me ahead in my career and help me achieve my goals. The pessimist is making this a negative situation, but instead of focusing on the negativity, focus on the opportunities presented by this situation.
Example of using a similar quote:
Pessimist: Everything is going wrong for me. I am so stressed out and can't take it anymore. I need help, but no one will help me.
Optimist: "If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging." ~ Will Rogers
This quote says that you shouldn't keep putting yourself into the same situation repeatedly if it is not helping you. If things are NOT working out, look at your life objectively and find what needs to change before making any decisions; otherwise, you will keep doing the same thing, expecting different results.
Example of using a similar quote:
Pessimist: I feel like I am stuck in a rut. My boss doesn't have faith in my abilities and thinks I am incompetent. My coworkers hate me, and no one wants to work with me. Everyone hates me.
Optimist: All of these things are true, but if you look at the bright side, you will see that these things are good for you; they will push you forward to become better at your job and make friends who will help you succeed in the future. Instead of the negative, focus on the bright side of things to strengthen yourself.
Example of using a similar quote:
Pessimist: I think my boyfriend is playing me at his own game. He tells me he wants to be with me but won't call or text me back. I believe him when he says he loves me, but he isn't being authentic. I am not sure if I should trust him anymore.
Optimist: "Trust has nothing to do with what you think about someone else; it has to do with what you think about yourself." ~ W. Clement Stone
Again, this quote says you shouldn't trust people until you fully understand their motives and mentalities. You need to figure out if this person is telling the truth or not before relying on them. It's okay to question people sometimes, but too much skepticism can be hurtful and damaging. You need to find the balance between suspicion and trust, not just blindly because you think they are being honest, but also not blindly doubt them because you are trying to protect yourself from being hurt.
Example of using a similar quote:
Pessimist: I am without a job and have no prospects of finding one soon. I have been looking for work for weeks and have not seen anything. I know that this economy is tough right now, but I think it will get better in the future; who knows, maybe this time next year, the economy will be booming, and I'll find a job quickly. Let's hope so!
Optimist: "I believe everything happens for the best in the best possible way at the best time." ~ H. Jackson Brown
Don't worry about things that you can't control. In life, the things we can't control often impact us and our lives. I once heard someone say, "If everything could be planned out perfectly, no one would ever find happiness in life." I think this quote is living proof of the fact that this statement is untrue. Things happen for a reason, and no matter how bad these things might be right now, eventually, they will work out for us in a positive manner. I am not saying that you should sit back and believe bad things will happen without thinking about them; I am saying that negative things will happen at some point in your life, so don't let them keep you down. Accept that certain things in life are out of our control and focus on being happy.