10 Ways To Find Happiness In Retirement


 10 Ways To Find Happiness In Retirement

1. Stay informed and engaged

Consider becoming a member of organizations that share your interests, like the science society or the jazz club. Find out about upcoming classes, concerts, conferences and workshops that share your interests in order to stay informed and engaged. You can also join social media communities to learn more about what others are doing in your interest area so you have company when you start to feel bored. It's important not to avoid situations that might be stressful or depressing; they're just opportunities for you to find new ways of thinking and reacting as well as new people with whom to connect!

2. Find a new cause

If you're passionate about a cause, consider finding a new way to bring your passion to life. Take time to reflect and determine if there are other ways that you could bring your interests and passion together. You could establish a new organization, learn how to relate your experience with others who share the same interest or take classes related to the subject matter. You can also look for volunteer opportunities that allow you to help another by giving their resources away, and if you're skilled in an area of expertise, consider teaching it in exchange for a gift card or something else that will impact your life in another way.

3. Express yourself

Artistic expression is an important part of self-discovery. You'll find that as you share your art with others, you'll create a new understanding and appreciation for your life and the world around you. For example, if you're passionate about writing, consider writing a book. If painting is more your style, consider creating a fine art piece or taking pictures of people and landscapes. If jewelry piques your interest, consider making it instead of buying it. Art can be so many things: it can open up new opportunities for you to connect with others through shared interests; it can help you develop new skills; and it can help you express yourself in ways that are meaningful to you!

4. Explore your sense of humor

You'll find that when you have fun and laugh, you become more relaxed, your mind and body relax, you can think better. And when you do that, you'll feel better in general. You might even find that even something as simple as laughing on a daily basis is something that you enjoy.

5. Find activities for the kids

As a parent, it's important to find ways to keep yourself motivated in order to give your children a good start in life. If you say that you'll take them to soccer practice, make sure you do it. By doing what you say, you'll teach your children how to be responsible and accountable, and they will ultimately develop the same work ethic in their adult years.

6. Be a friend

Show people that you care about them and ask them how they're doing. Don't forget to have fun!

7. Remember the little things in life

When our kids were growing up we used to have a new tradition every year on their birthday. The tradition was to bury them in a pile of leaves. The girls would get very excited about it because we would talk about it for months before their birthday. We would make sure we were all home so no one had to miss out on the fun. The day of their birthday, we would all head outside with our flashlights and pile a bunch of leaves up against the house. We did this so that when they came outside they wouldn't be able to see through the window and realize that it was just us standing there waiting for them! Then each one of us parents would put them in a big heavy-duty leaf bag and chase after them through the yard as they tried escaping from our hold. It's a tradition that we started when they were very young and one they'll remember for the rest of their lives.

8. Have a memorable character

Remember, eccentricity is as eccentric does. A person's lifestyle, appearance or behavior may be viewed as eccentric if it is markedly different from the cultural norms of the time period or place in which they are observed. Humans have always been attracted to the novelty of what can be considered unusual or extraordinary and different from what is familiar to them. Perhaps this stems from our need for variety in order to enjoy life more, or maybe it's just a part of human nature. Either way, being different can make you more memorable. This can give you an advantage in the field of business, where you might be remembered by your customers or co-workers because of your character or skill set.

9. Be a good listener

When others share their experience and thoughts with you, they open their hearts to you. It's likely that they appreciate when someone is truly interested in what they're saying and will want to share more with you in the future as well. A good listener does not focus on what he or she is going to say next, but instead on what the other person is trying to say. Being a good listener is an important part of communication, and it's something that you can practice on a daily basis.

10. Exercise your body

If you're physically active most days of the week, you'll feel better about the way you look and the way you feel inside. Don't let the fact that you don't have time get in the way of your health or fitness plan; exercise doesn't need to be a complicated thing to do. You can take walks outside with your family or friends, go for runs in your neighborhood or just spend time in your backyard doing push ups and sit ups. Think about what type of exercise will work for you and how much time you want to devote to it each week. Maybe you want to find a local gym where you can use their equipment or join a class. Whatever you do, remember that you're investing in yourself when it comes to your health and well-being.

11. Be grateful for what you have

Sometimes we get so caught up with what we don't have, that we don't even appreciate what we do have. Appreciating what's in your life will allow you to be more mindful of what's going on around you, and this will enrich your life on many levels. Think about the things that make up your life today; sometimes if something isn't there, it's hard to see the value of it when it is there.

12. Be yourself

You can be whatever you want, but if people don't like what they see, it's hard to get them to hang around! Many people try to act a certain way in order to fit into their culture and make their background more interesting. But the problem is that it makes them stand out from the crowd which just draws attention away from them and to their "character flaw." If you're going to make your character flaws obvious, you might as well just come out with who you really are!



The skills that you need to be successful are not learned in school; it's important to realize the wealth of knowledge that lies outside the four walls of a classroom. If you've never done it before, try focusing on just one habit for a month and see how you feel. By being more mindful of what you do on a daily basis, your health and well-being will improve, and habits will become easier to establish for the long-term.

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