26 Questions To Kickstart Your Dream


1. What do you want to achieve?

2. Who’s the best in your area?

3. What are you doing now? 

4. What are the potential risks of giving it a go?  

5. What side effects might happen when you try to reach your goal? 

6. Why is this important for you to do now, rather than later or never at all? 

7. How does risk apply to this goal, and what can make it a bit safer/smaller/greener/more economical/etc.? 8 . Are you able to give up other things (time, money, comfort, social life) to reach your goal? If so, how can you do this in a way that’s more sustainable and fulfilling than what you currently do? 

9. If you can’t give up anything right now, how could you go about changing the way you allocate these resources in the future? 

10. What will be different in your life if this goal is achieved or not achieved? 

11. How will you feel if you don’t achieve? 

12. If this dream isn’t an actual “goal”, what would be the point in writing it down? What would the point in having a dream at all? 

13. Why don't you make your goals more vivid? 14. Are you sure that your goal is right for YOU right now and why not? 

15. What business will it be? (In case of non-profit organization, skip this question. 

16. What will you do with the money? 17. What does “success” look like for you? 

18. How will you measure your progress towards your goal? 

19. Who will you ask, who would tell you the truth; if there are no others who would judge if it's OK to go on or if it's not? 

20. If someone told you that they have a more confident way of putting their dream down, would that help/change anything? Why/why not? 

21. If someone asked what they should do to make their own dream real, what would they say? (Try asking someone else this question too...)

 22. What is the most valuable part of this dream? Who will you give credit to for making it come true? 

23. If you're not sure about your dream (or if you want to change something), what other questions should I ask at first? 

24. Have you written down your dreams before and how did that work out? 

25. How did your family react when you told them about this goal? Did they make any suggestions on how to achieve it better or differently? 

26. What other things would be going on in your life if this goal was achieved or not achieved? Schedule, hobbies, social life, faith in people and yourself, general level of happiness and appreciation for life, etc.

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