It’s time to 100% commit and start taking the steps you know you need to take in order to manifest the life of your dreams.
In order to fully commit, it's essential that you change your beliefs about what is possible. If you continue thinking that it's impossible for things to change then they will never change. Remember: It is possible for things to permanently shift in your favor if make a concerted effort towards manifesting them.
The first step towards manifesting your new life is giving yourself permission and space for this process of transformation and renewal as well as removing any limiting beliefs that are standing in the way of achieving your goals.
1. Give Yourself Permission to Change
Why do we get so attached to a status quo that is not serving us? Why do we feel the need to hold onto negative, destructive and unresourceful beliefs? These are questions you have to ask yourself.
The first step of changing your life is giving yourself permission for what you desire. You can't manifest real change in your life without first giving yourself permission to change. The concept of manifesting and receiving things from the universe works under the principle of "ask and you shall receive." You must ask for what you want before it can be given!
If you want something new and different in your life, then give yourself permission to let go of the old…. to let go of the person, the place or the situation that no longer serves you.
Remember, it's not your job to change or improve other people. Sometimes you just have to let go of situations that no longer serve you. The only person who can truly change things for you is YOU! That's why it's essential for you to ask yourself — why do I keep doing this? Why am I holding on to this? Why do I want this? These are all great questions because they're giving your attention away from things that don't serve you.
Remember that you don't have to do anything in order to create the life you desire. All you have to do is make a conscious commitment and an intention, and the universe will take care of the rest.
You can think "I can't" or "I won't" or “It’s impossible," but if you believe otherwise then no law of the universe can stop it from coming true. You must give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you and move on with your life.
2. Remove All Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are subconscious beliefs that hold you back from achieving your goals, desires and intentions.
They’re limiting because they stop you from manifesting your dreams in the first place, and they become even stronger when you're in a negative state of mind.
You have to start identifying your own limiting beliefs if you want to change them. You can't just pretend they don't exist and ignore their existence. They're there and manifesting them is going to be impossible as long as they remain in your subconscious mind.
Here are some examples of limiting beliefs:
– I’m not enough/worthy/good enough for true love, success, abundance etc…
– I am too young or old to achieve my goals, dreams or desires.
– I’m not smart enough or good enough."