20 Ways To Make Someone Smile


 20 Ways To Make Someone Smile

It's true that it only takes one thing to make someone smile - a compliment, forgetting to do the dishes, or a pizza delivery. But you'll have better results if you put some effort into it. Here are 20 things that might help you on your next mission to spread cheer.

1) Deliver iced coffee from your favorite coffee shop in the morning, when they need it the most. It will never be too late for them to enjoy.

2) Cook them an elaborate breakfast in bed with their favorite foods (even if they don't normally eat in bed). They'll think you're a great cook!

3) Surprise them with a gift card to their favorite restaurant, when they're in need of a night out. They'll spend the evening remembering how much it made them happy.

4) Use your creativity and send the flowers twice. After six months you may get yet another bouquet.

5) Take them out to dinner and make them remember why they fell in love with you years ago - their taste buds will have no choice but to fall in love again!

6) Leave a note for him on his pillow every night, saying "I love waking up next to (you). - (Your name)" or something similar.

7) Get her a dozen roses. It's not the material things that mean the most, so why not make her day?

8) Take him out to his favorite breakfast spot, the one with all his favorite foods. They'll be sure to remember, every time they eat there.

9) Set up a romantic date at home for her, with candles and soft music in the background - as if you were out on the town. Who knows, maybe after doing this one more than once she'll want to leave.

10) Have him cook her dinner - she'll be so excited he said yes that she won't want to say no.

11) Tell her you're thinking about her (often), and every time you do, add a little something new to the routine. It's an easy way to show her how much she means to you, without giving too much away.

12) Take him out for a night on the town, full of fun and surprises. He'll think you're so romantic, and his friends will be even more jealous of your connection than they already are!

13) Make yourself make a big deal of it - tell him he looks good, that his smile makes your day, etc... Everyone loves to hear that they look good, especially when they believe it themselves.

14) Call her at work and tell her she's beautiful. It's something she'll never forget, and will make her day. She'll feel so special... she won't want to say no.

15) If he's a writer, get him a pen with his name engraved on it. If he's not a writer, get him the pen with his favorite team or player's name engraved on it - or the most colorful one you can find!

16) Leave notes all over the house saying "I love you. - (Your name)" and "I'm thinking about you. - (Your name)" and leave a couple of them in his favorite places to "step on".

17) Call him from another line, tell him he's distracted, and ask him if he's thinking about her. He'll know you're trying to get his attention!

18) Mention that your favorite color is the same as his, get a paintbrush and paint something with it for him. His pride will make him feel like Superman, which is the kind of feeling he'll never forget.

19) Get her a large bouquet of flowers - then call him to come over and pick them up. They'll never figure out why until later!

20) Show him you're thinking about him, and give him a call. Maybe he's had a hard day at work. Maybe he just has too much on his mind. Whatever the reason, he'll appreciate the reminder of your connection.

So there you have it - 20 ways to make someone smile. Share your ideas in the comments and let us know if they worked for you!

Title: 20 Ways To Make Someone Smile - see more ideas on how to make someone smile at articlestartblog.com

Last Updated: November 20th, 2009

Permalink: www.articlestartblog.com/2008/08/20-ways-to-make-someone-smile.html

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So there you have it - 20 ways to make someone smile.

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