3 Steps to Daily Success: Using Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Achieve Your Goals


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While steps towards your goal can vary, it is important to establish a routine with consistent actions that will move you closer towards your goals. This article will cover three steps to success by using motivational and inspirational quotes that are based off of each individual's personality type.

Step One: Create an affirmation statement that continues throughout the day! Every morning take 15 minutes before waking up and memorize a quote or say something like "Today I am going to live my dreams without fear."

     Step Two: Start incorporating this affirmation into everyday conversation. It may be during an interview, while talking to a loved one, or while walking around town. When you find yourself in a situation that you normally would get stressed out or nervous in, use that quote to calm yourself down. The best part about this is you don't have to do anything new! You are just using your normal routine, but adding a little "umph" to it! Step Three: Celebrate your successes with another inspirational quote!

Directions: Every morning read the motivational quote below and write down what "step" you are on in your own journey towards success. Think about how your daily actions contributes towards making these goals into reality and ask yourself if these actions match the steps below.

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them." -Henry David Thoreau

10 Ways to Life Your Dreams

1 You Must Only Explore What's Available To You.  -Buddha 2 Don't Worry about What Could Go Wrong-Your Problems are Only Problems if you Let Them Be!  -R. Buckminster Fuller 3 When Going Through a Struggle or Difficult Moment, Remember That it Is Only Temporary And That It Will Pass!  -Author Unknown 4 Know that everything that is happening to you is part of your life plan and necessary for you to reach your goal.  -The Law Of Attraction 5 Enjoy Life!  -Gandhi 6 Be a uniter, not a divider.  -Martin Luther King Jr. 7 Take 100% responsibility for your life, your actions and their consequences.  -Joe Vitale 8 Learn to find joy in the small things instead of focusing on the things that are holding you back and keeping you away from your goal.  -Ruth Soukup 9 There is no challenge or task too large or small to fulfill yourself and accomplish your dream.  -Bruce Lee 10 Go ahead and dream, but remember this--dreams can become reality if you work hard enough for them.  -Robert H. Schuller

Directions: This week the goal is to go 1 day without missing a step or complaining about the way you are feeling or what your life has turned into. Enjoy the journey and remember to have fun!

"Do not trouble yourself when things go wrong. Do not trouble yourself when they go right. Have no mind of your own." -Lao Tzu

9 Reasons Why We Use Motivational Quotes as Step Two in Promoting Success

"Success is built on patience, persistence and self-discipline. It is not created by waiting for opportunities to come along. It is built by creating many opportunities." -Jim Rohn

"Do not let your happiness depend on what you are going to eat or drink; on whom you are going to marry, or what you shall do tomorrow. The greatest gift of life is health. The greatest moment of happiness comes when we reach the age of 80 years. Live as if you were ten years old." -Mother Teresa

"You can have anything in the world you want, if you help enough other people get what they want." -Jim Rohn

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe.

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