3 Steps To Manifestation The Personal Development Way


Knowing how to manifest is a personal development skill you can use daily. There are three steps to help you get started.

1. Desires: This is your first step of manifestation, since it's the foundation on which all other steps rest. Write down everything that you want in life, all the goals and dreams that make you feel alive and excited about waking up each day—everything that would make your world better if it actually happened.

2. Actions: Beginning with your desires, write down everything you would do all day long to make those desires happen. If you are like most people and can't think of one single action, get out a pen and paper and start writing down a list of things that you want to do every single day. 

3.  Creativity: Keep writing your list for as long as it takes for your mind to produce the first image of what would be if your goals were true. Keep pushing through the resistance until an image starts to form. 

If you're like most people, your image will be blurry and vague at first—but it will get clearer with each description you add, each connection you make.

Once you see the image clearly in your mind, write down what your world would look like if everything in the list of actions happened. 

Keep writing until your feelings match up with the image that you have created.

If what you write doesn't match your feelings, go back and review to figure out which words or phrases are not true to how you feel about what has been happening.

If it's a true image, continue adding actions to match the picture.

Make sure your list of actions reflects what you truly want in your life and not just what you think people have told you to want.

If it's not a true picture, start over on step one again with a new list of desires. 

You are now ready to begin manifesting the things you desire in your life!

Remember, you can use this technique every day by following these three simple steps: Desires > Actions > Creativity. 

Whether you see results or not, keep stubbornly working towards those goals that make life more fulfilling for yourself and others around you.

You will hit a point where you feel rewarded for your efforts.

How much time is too much time? 

Not sure yet.  You'll know when it is time to stop and move on when the results are not producing the life you truly desire to live.  It may take a few days, weeks, months or even years to manifest that which was created from your heart's desire.  The best way I know how to describe it is in the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.  By living out this prayer in its entirety, you will move closer to a life of peace and happiness.

Sending blessings of love and hope,

Melody Rose Melody Rose is a writer and artist who loves to share how to make life easier, lighter, and more joyful through the use of the Law of Attraction. She offers a general overview of the many ways you can use the LOA in your daily life. She tells how she manifested her own success with following simple steps that anyone can do. She also talks about her own experiences of receiving unexpected gifts while practicing loa in her own life. Her mission is to help as many people as possible enjoy a happier and more prosperous life using LOA techniques.

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