"When we are young, most of us come to the realization that we should not live our lives based on what other people say is expected and necessary. We're told that school, work, and all the various activities kids participate in will make them happy adults."
This is something I know from personal experience. Despite the fact that I was a very good student; my grades never dipped below a B+. I graduated with honors from one of the best colleges in my state. But once graduation was finished everything fell apart for me. I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I interviewed for a few jobs but felt like something was missing.
I'm not sure when I actually began questioning my own actions, but it was around this time that I stumbled upon the movie Fight Club . It's a movie that is extremely popular and has garnered a lot of attention. While there is much controversy about the film (one of the producers actually used his position on Reddit to shut down any talk about the movie), it has been named one of the top modern cult classics by many reviewers. The one thing most critics agree on was the subject matter presented in the film.
I really wanted to see this movie once it came out on video. I knew it was extremely controversial and could spark some discussion, but I was in a very dark place in my life. The day I saw it, I was in the process of realizing that my old career path had no purpose for me anymore. No matter what job I took down the road, nothing would make me happy or put a smile on my face. This realization had led me to the edge of a very deep depression and self pity.
After returning home from work that day, I began watching Fight Club . I knew the basic premise of the movie, but I never paid too much attention. I remembered watching the trailer and was very intrigued. The first time I saw it, it was towards the end of the film and I was still trying to understand what was going on. It wasn't until about three years later that I watched it again. This time, I had just made a decision to quit my job and go off on my own.
I didn't know what to do or where to go after making this decision. But after watching Fight Club again, something clicked in my brain. It was as if a light bulb switched on while watching the movie and then everything made sense to me (the light bulb has since gone out). I could feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I had taken a huge step in the right direction; one that would give me peace of mind for the future.
The key themes of Fight Club are about no longer being a slave to other people's opinions, or their will for you to live your life. It's about setting your own path in life and defining success on your terms . This can apply to anyone who owns their own business or works for themselves. You can also use this movie as an example of how difficult it can be to make financial decisions on your own as well. Fight Club is based around a very specific concept known as " Consumer Debt . "
Consumer Debt is one of the key factors that defines us as a society. It's what allows us to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a new car or other forms of a materialistic life. Fight Club highlights how easy it is / can be to buy into the Consumer Debt trap; even worse, most people will rationalize their choices and tell themselves they are making the right decision. Fight Club also shows why so many people fail to achieve success for themselves because of their lack of self-awareness. Throughout the film, one character points out how meaningless it is to be "adequate" in this society and how desperate he feels to get something else .