3 Ways to Advance Your Goals


Maybe you have been working on a particular goal for many months or years, but you don't seem to be getting anywhere. It's time to make some adjustments and try a new approach. Here are three ways to help advance your goal:

-1. Change your focus - Sometimes all the progress you've made has been in the wrong areas. Maybe it's time to switch them up, or try something novel that might open up an entirely different avenue of success at this point in your life.

-2. Change your approach - Your previous efforts may have been ineffective because you were going about things the wrong way. You may need to make adjustments in some of your methods or strategies to get the desired results.

-3. Change the goal - Perhaps the goal you set for yourself was ill-conceived from the start. If so, it's time to reevaluate and reset your plans accordingly.

-Change can often be uncomfortable, but it is often necessary if you are going to make progress towards your goals. It's not easy to abandon a plan that has not worked out so far, but sometimes that is necessary if you're going to achieve success in the future. Change is constant, and if you can handle it as an idea, you can master it as a method.

-3 Ways To Advance Your Goals

If you'd like to review the goals section of your website to see if it needs further refinement or further development: click here . If you'd like to post some comments about your goals for this year, click here . If you'd like to post some comments about your goals for next year, click here . If you'd like to post some comments about your goals for the foreseeable future, click here .

-Do you think you could achieve more of your major goals if you knew how to set up your goals properly from the beginning? You can learn how to do that here .

-To learn more about goal setting and planning, click here . To learn about ten changes that you can make to help improve your life, click here . To read a story about my trip to Japan in 2011, click here .

If you would like to post some comments about the topic of this weekly blog: "3 Ways to Advance Your Goals." please click on the comment link below. I will be very happy to read what you have to say! Thank you for visiting my website, and for reading my weekly blog.

Also to learn about goal setting and planning, click here . To learn about ten changes that you can make to help improve your life, click here . To read a story about my trip to Japan in 2011, click here .

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you think might find it useful.

-Do you want to master a few simple resources that will enable you to set and achieve your goals? You can find out how here . -Have you been trying for a long time but have not been able or willing to achieve your goals? Read this and learn how you can change that by simply making some adjustments in the way you are thinking.

-If you would like to read more about the 3HWTM system, click here . To learn about ten changes that you can make to help improve your life, click here . To read a story about my trip to Japan in 2011, click here .

If you would like to post some comments about the topic of this weekly blog: "3 Ways to Advance Your Goals." please click on the comment link below. I will be very happy to read what you have to say! Thank you for visiting my website, and for reading my weekly blog.

Also if you would like to learn how I can help or coach you in any way: please visit the coaching section of my site by clicking here .

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