3 Ways to Super Charge Your Affirmations


Affirmations are a powerful tool, with the potential to shift our brainwaves and moods in positive ways. They can serve as reminders of our worthiness, accomplishments, and dreams. All we need to do is talk ourselves up! Here are 3 ways you can super charge your affirmations:

1) Try paired affirmations: Start off with an affirmation that will get you focused on how wonderful everything is going for you right now. Then follow it up with another affirmation that reminds yourself of what you want to create in the future.

2) Record a tape to use as a reminder: Write down your affirmations. Then record them over and over again, until you can't keep saying them out loud anymore.

3) Find a musical affirmation: Find an affirmation that sounds like music to you, then play it in the background while you're doing other things. This will help you remember your affirmations, and will make them feel even more real to you.

Do you still need some more inspiration? You can check out other posts on the subject of affirmations here at the blog: How To Use Affirmations To Super Charge Your Life . . . or try out our free affirmation printable: Super Power Affirmations – Enjoy Your Life Because You Deserve It!

Have you ever tried super charging your affirmations? Share in the comments how it worked for you.

About the Author: Cathy is a life coach, writer and blogger. She helps women who want to feel fantastic in their bodies, minds and spirits so that they can attract their dream lives. Click here to learn more about her coaching programs . . . and to be inspired by her blog!

P.S. If you liked this post, you'll also like these empowering posts: 3 Ways To Redefine Body Image & Have a Better Body Image . . . The Top 10 Ways You Can Improve Your Life . . . 3 Tips On How To Be An Optimist When It Comes To Your Health And Body . . . The Secret to Self Compassion: The No-Guilt Approach.

"Cathy is an expert in body image and she's a great person to help you discover how to love your body, especially if you're struggling with low self confidence!" - Amy "This is a fabulous article on affirmations! I have been giving myself positive affirmations every day for a couple of years now. They can be so beneficial, but it's very easy to get lost in the affirmation and forget what our goals are. Thank you for adding that extra reminder!" - Sarah-Jane

"This post is so insightful and who doesn't need another little boost? Thank you!!!" - Kimberley "I myself have been doing affirmations for a few years, and I love them. I've started to do them in the morning and evening, then my new goal is to do them just about every day. I'm also trying to do another one over lunch every day. So this article really sparks up my affirmation process." - Lilly "This is so inspiring! Perfect timing too since I am starting my own affirmations journey tomorrow. I'm headed to get a $20 list of affirmations from Amazon, and I'll be trying to make it a part of my day. Thank you for this post! It's so thoughtful." - Stephanie "Thanks for sharing this awesome article with us! This is such an important topic because there are so many times when we all want to do affirmations but we don't know how to start. This article gives me one more reason to start, plus it will help those who haven't started yet too.

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