Dear Someone Who Takes You for Granted:
I can’t help but notice that over the course of our relationship you have developed an unhealthy habit of talking about me as if I exist solely to please you. Your words make me feel like I never matter, that I have no voice and no say in this relationship. It used to bother me when you did it, but now I shrug my shoulders. I'm done trying to keep your ego in check- it's not worth my time and it's made everything worse between us.
I'm writing this letter because I can't imagine you will ever hear what I have to say if I don't tell you outright. It's time for me to move on. I've tried over and over again to make this relationship work, but you've made it clear that I'm not worth the effort. While it hurts that you don't value my time or my presence in your life, I have better things to do with my time than spend it on someone who doesn’t give a damn about me.
You took me for granted and now we are done. If we ever meet again, get ready to put in some work if you want to pick up where we left off. I've learned my lesson – never again will I feel taken for granted.
Someone Who You Took for Granted and Now Wish You Hadn't
P.S. In retrospect, we were an awful match from the start. It's no wonder you took me for granted from the beginning – we never should have crossed paths in the first place! A picture’s worth a thousand words – look at our faces together in this picture: That’s pretty telling, huh? [ARTICLE ENDS].
I know the writer of this article, and they are truly a good person. I include their link below because they are someone to be admired. They are a source of encouragement and inspiration for me, and I hope they can be for you as well.
Written by Myro Crawley -
Articles on the site by Myro Crawley:
Bipolar Disorder Articles and other recommended reading:
ADD Article:
ADHD Article:
Gambling Addiction Articles and other recommended reading: