4 Tips Toward Making Resolutions That Matter!


This post will provide you with four steps to take in order to make resolutions that matter in 2018.

- come up with a resolution/goal that is realistic and achievable for you 

- break down your goal into smaller, manageable pieces 

- write them out on paper, stick them somewhere visible like your bathroom mirror, or computer desktop 

- hold yourself accountable by telling someone else about your resolution and what you hope to accomplish

You'll be resolved in no time!

##Blog Posts Outline ##Click here for a template of body content and style.

##Purpose of the Blog: Informative blog posts are written based on factual information. They inform the reader of recent events, or explain a topic or issue.

##Audience: Blog posts are written for an audience of anyone who wants to learn more about the topic that is being discussed.

##Length: Many different lengths are acceptable. Depending on your purpose, you may choose to write a long-form blog post that provides detailed information and in-depth analysis. You may also write a short form blog post that contains less information but still serves as an informative base for readers who want quick access to current information about the given topic.

##Style: Blog posts come in different forms. You may choose to emulate the style of a certain author or try out a new style that you would like to learn or develop further. Some examples are, literary, journalistic and formal.

##Click here for a template of body content and style.

##Purpose of the Blog: To help people solve problems and make better use of their time and resources.

##Audience: Blogs should be written for an audience who is interested in solving problems with their computers, mobile devices, office equipment, software applications, websites, networks etc.

##Length: Blog posts should be well-researched and contain information that the reader can use. There is no specific length requirement.

##Style: Blog posts can be written in an informal or formal style. If you would like to write informally, use first person active voice and try to avoid using technical jargon. If you are a technical writer, you may prefer to write more formally in order to show that you have a firm grasp of the topic and can discuss it objectively with your audience.

##Click here for a template of body content and style.

##Purpose of the Blog: To entertain readers by being engaging and creative while explaining something lighthearted or fun-loving in nature.

##Audience: Blogs may be written for anyone looking for something lighthearted or fun to do.

##Length: The length of a blog post should depend on your purpose and the time you have allotted to creating it. If you are writing a longer post, make sure to have a good structure and flow that keeps the reader's attention.

##Style: Blogs can be written in an informal or formal style. If you are writing informally, use first person active voice and try to avoid using technical jargon. If you are writing more formally, show that you have a firm grasp of the topic and can discuss it objectively with your audience in a professional manner.

##Click here for a template of body content and style.

##Purpose of the Blog: To persuade readers of an argument through logical thinking and reasoning.

##Audience: Blogs should be written for an audience who want to learn more about your topic or issue.

##Length: The length of your blog post should depend on how much information you want to provide to the reader. If writing a long-form blog post, make sure that it contains thorough research and analysis on the topic that is relevant and engaging to your audience.

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