If you’ve ever felt paralyzed by the fear of disapproval, you’re not alone. In a culture where approval from others is considered necessary for one to function, it can be difficult to break out of this mindset and enjoy your life like a happy, fulfilled person.
However, it's possible to get over the need for approval so that you can:
-Live a more fulfilling life
-Spend less time worried about what other people think of you
-Enjoy friendships without feeling guilty or stressed when they don't work out as planned
-Feel good about yourself and your choices without needing approval from others.
-Get help when you need it and ask for what you want
-Set boundaries with people who give you negative energy
Here are four ways that can help you stop seeking external validation.
-1. Invest in yourself
One of the ways to get over a need for approval is to invest in yourself. This means creating the life that you truly want, and spending time and money on the things that truly matter to you. If your dream is to be a singer, spend money on private singing lessons instead of clothes or new cars or other things. If your dream is to travel, save money so that one day you can call an airline and make a dream vacation happen. You deserve these things, as everyone does. The best way to get over the need for approval is to start investing in yourself.
-2. Understand that you shouldn't need external validation of your worth
Understanding that your value is not contingent on others' opinion, but rather on your own is crucial to getting over the need for approval. People will never have the same opinion about you as you do. That doesn't mean that they don't appreciate you and don't care about your well-being -- it just means that they value things differently than you do. When you understand this, it can help free up a ton of energy so that you can spend less time worrying about whether or not other people approve of what you're doing with your life.
-3. Be open to new perspectives
The only way to get over the need for approval is to accept the idea that there are different ways of thinking about what's right or wrong. You might value some things more than others, or have different ideas about what's important or where you should spend your time. This can be scary at first, because it means risking your comfort zone in order to be happier. The good news is that when you stop worrying about how other people think and instead focus on what you want out of life, it can help ease the stress of having different opinions and opinions that don't line up with yours.
-4. In general, stop judging
Being judgmental about other people's opinions and perspectives makes it hard to get over the need for approval. This doesn't mean that you can't have strong principles or disagree with other people -- it just means that you should try your best to be accepting of other people's ideas and situations. Not only will this help you create a more peaceful, happy life, it might also make some people think twice about their choices! So if you're looking for ways to get over the need for approval, try being more open-minded.
Posted by Andrea: 4 Ways To Get Over The Need For Approval
The fourth reason listed in this article is so true I must agree with it ... being open minded. I have an amazing mother and she is the epitome of what one should strive to be ... loving, caring, supportive and accepting. When I was a child she always taught me to be respectful of other people's opinions and thoughts, even if they don't match your own. It's a lesson that has stuck with me for life (thus far) and helped me realize that we are all different for a reason -- not everyone thinks the same or acts the same ... yet we are all still equal in God's eyes! My mother has counseled me through many difficult situations in my life ... especially when it comes to making choices.