5 + 5 = Your Dream


Hey, what is the number of a dream?

The number of a dream is five plus five. 

It's the perfect amount to make your dreams happen. 

Just take five different pieces of paper and write down your biggest dream on one side, and your first day back in school or at work on the other. When you wake up in the morning, read each note over again to remind yourself why you're so happy to have accomplished this goal! If you still don't feel any better about it, think about how much harder it was when you were younger when trying to figure out what goes into making a child's life go well. It's all about making and doing the right choices, and you can do it! Look at what a great role model you are becoming for your child by thinking of their future before doing anything else. 

If you have time on your lunch break, write down your five goals for the rest of the day, such as getting a new haircut, or booking a vacation. Keep track on a daily basis and be sure to reward yourself after accomplishing these tasks. You deserve it! Maybe you'll start saving money for an even bigger one down the road. 

Five plus five is an extra thing that everyone needs in their lives.

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