Setting goals is something we all do at some point. But, with so many obstacles to achieving them and a world that seems to always be changing, sometimes we need to re-evaluate our priorities. In today’s blog post, we’ll talk about five ways you can make your goals your reality in no time!
First off: realize the importance of goal setting. If you don't know what it is that you want or need in life, how are you supposed to get there? It's important not just for making progress but also for living well.
What are goals, anyways? It is a means of assessing your progress at the same time you commit to making change happen. Yes, goals are hard to achieve and they can sometimes be hard to attain. But, it's better to have them in place than not.
Get plenty of sleep. We all know I've said it before but it is true! Sleeping gets depleted from a day full of worrying, stress and deadlines—even work deadlines if you choose to work on a deadline basis. This causes fatigue which leads to less restful sleep and a wasted night’s sleep at that. You’ll wake up feeling groggy, which will only make it harder to get going and move forward with your day.
Focus on the goal, not the plan. A common strategy for achieving goals is to simply create a step-by-step plan of action and work your way through it until you hit your goal. While this can be a helpful strategy, it can also be detrimental if you put too much emphasis on the how and not enough on the actual goal they are trying to achieve. It's difficult enough just trying to get from point A to point B—don't overload yourself with too many details along the way!
Avoid multi-tasking when you set goals for yourself. This is especially true if you decide that your goal will be unattainable with unfinished tasks. Removing distractions can help you gain more focus, but is it the best way to get those last few inches of progress? Multi-tasking means you are doing several things at once and can be ineffective at accomplishing any one thing. Focus on one task at a time, it’s important!
Aspire to have the passion in all aspects of your life. You see, passion will guide you throughout life while goal setting gives direction and organization to how you want it all to go down, whether that fire is lit from within or from something external. Passion does a lot for people's success and happiness, so try to learn how it can help you be all that you can be.
So, How Do You Make Your Goals Your Reality?
To make your goals happen, first of all, be sure to have a goal. Don't set a goal without one! Also remember to check in with yourself regularly and take note of your progress (or lack thereof). If you’ve made a plan or have been working toward your goal since the beginning of the year and nothing has changed—stop and evaluate.
Second: get motivated by something external. Motivation is powerful, but it can be very hard to find when things aren't going the way you want them to. Create a vision board that inspires you and remind yourself why you are pursuing your goal. You can use any type of media - posters, pictures, certificates or anything that reminds you of your desire to achieve greatness!
Third: stop asking “What If?”. Yes there are times when asking “What if I never went back to school? What if I never saved for retirement?” are beneficial—but, in general, it's better not to dwell on what could have been.