5 Quick and Easy Ways To Wiping Out Obstacles To Goal Achievement


After you've set your goals and committed yourself to achieving them, it's time to make sure that your progress doesn't end there. When you're pursuing a particular goal and are struggling to keep up with your routine, here are five very simple yet effective ways to help alleviate those obstacles in the pursuit of success.

1) Keep a "To-Do List" or "List of Things To Do" in whatever way works best for you: One-pager, note cards, post-it notes on the fridge...the list is really up to you. Simply writing down tasks as they come into your mind will help remind you of what needs doing and give you an idea about how accomplished each task feels.

2) Keep a "To-Do List" or "List of Things To Do" in whatever way works best for you: One-pager, note cards, post-it notes on the fridge...the list is really up to you. Simply writing down tasks as they come into your mind will help remind you of what needs doing and give you an idea about how accomplished each task feels.

3) Make sure that the goals you set yourself are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. When you set goals, make sure your plan is specific and realistic. If you don't know exactly how to complete one of the tasks on your list or when to complete it, don't be frustrated. You might not have set a time into the future and that's okay!

4) If you note that a particular task takes longer than you would've anticipated, DO NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED OR ANGRY! There are so many things that can get in the way of moving forward and we sometimes tend to look for reasons not to move forward rather than reasons for why we should. Don't be discouraged, get creative and start planning other ways to complete that task.

5) Be motivated by the feeling of accomplishment and not by the results of your tasks: There will come a day where you don't need to think so much about the task that needs doing or when you'll be finished with it. You'll know without even thinking about it! Therefore, it's important to not become obsessive with what you're achieving as that can take your focus away from the overall goal. Just set small goals for yourself and keep moving forward no matter what happens.

The end result may surprise you! – Ryan D'Ambrosio


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_D'Ambrosio


[/ARTICLE] [COMMENT]I find this article very intersting especially the first point on keeping a To Do List with you at all time.. It would be great if this was an app which can help you to take note of everything and keep it in one place instead of writing it down on post it note or whatever method you are using now.

It would be a nice way to make yourself organized and productive at work or in your daily routine.. **********

Janine I have just read this article, it is amazing. I have been trying to improve my organisation skills through the "Clear your clutter" book. I have reached a stage where the clutter is still overwhelming me and this article has been like reading the book for me! Thank you so much!

Dawn W. Wow! This article is truly inspirational! It makes me feel so inspired! Wonderful job Ryan! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us all on this site. Once again: excellent blog post. Keep it up man.

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