5 Simple Steps to make 2006 the Best Year Ever!!!


Step One: Make a list of everything you want to do this year. 

Step Two: Put your favorite things at the top if there are too many things you want to do. 

Step Three: Put the least favorite things at the bottom if there are too many things on your list. 

Step Four: Go through and prioritize each item on your list, then cross off the ones you have accomplished until you have nothing left! 

Step Five: Make sure that every time you finish an item, cross it off and say "YAY!" (this will motivate and cheer yourself up). 

Step Six: Continue to be grateful for all of the things you have accomplished and cross off your remaining items in the list.

Step Seven: Through all of this it is important to remember that you have crossed off things and completed them, so don't forget about them! 

Step Eight: Celebrate with a piece of chocolate cake (you have earned it)!


God is a God who sends forth His Son to put you where he wants you. He's not going to get rid of what he's already got. When we read God's Word, we get information. When we hear His Word, He gives us light. We must show God we love His light by applying it to our lives. The more you apply it, the more you'll grow. There is a new man in you and he is your responsibility to let him out.

"He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noon-day." 


Website: http://www.pastorfutrell.com/

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 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PastorFutrell

Video Blogs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kwHr6-yTvc&feature=related

● Desiring God: http://www.desiringGod.org

● International ministries: http://www.intlministries.org 

● Mediasync: http://www.cbsparadise3.com/bweb/video.php?vid=181 

● The Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-hutson22jul22,0,2963491.story?coll=bal-business-headlines

● New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/15/nyregion/a-sprinkler-for-worshipers-christianitys-spiritual-gadgetry-now-includes.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

● LifeTheGame: http://www.lifesthegame.org

● www.youtube.com/user/ddafun

● www.facebook.com/PastorFutrell

● http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=PastorFutrell 

 Christianity Today: http://www.christianitytoday.

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