5 Simple Ways to Kick Start Your Goal-Setting


Your goal-setting journey should start with a plan.

A planning process can be as casual or formal as you want, just like any other project, but it is crucial for your success to make sure that the initial stages are put in place. Make sure to include what you will do during this time period and how you'll use this information in the long run i.e. daily goals, annual goals - and why they're important (time-spent on effective goal setting).

There are various ways to put your plan in place, but here are just a few simple steps to get you started and make sure you don't neglect them:

Write down your goals - keep things short and sweet, refer to them daily and make sure they're realistic. Start with just one goal at the time. Write down the event or outcome at the end of six months, then review what has changed since this time period. Look back an add more goals if necessary. Create a 'to do' list - this will help you remember to work on your goals each day, as well as give you a rough idea of how much work it may require. Think of ways to make it fun and how to reward yourself as you meet each goal. Set aside time to work on your goals - whether it's 15 minutes or two hours, make sure that you have a certain amount of time (or couple of times) in your week dedicated to working on your goals.

Each day, plan out what you want to do and how much time you want to spend on each task i.e., reading, phone calls etc - it doesn't need to be excessive but just enough for you to focus and make progress. I would also recommend including some things that aren't related at all - just something light-hearted or something that will relax you before bedtime.

The important thing here is to identify what you want. That way, you can track and accelerate your journey towards success.


Some things that I would recommend (that aren't related to the topic at hand) are reading personal development books, listening to motivational podcasts, watching a movie or TV series (with your partner), taking general walks in the park or nature walks, etc.. At the end of each week, review where you had success and make sure it was because of something not related directly to your goals. Think of as many ways as possible to reward yourself - even if it's just some time spent with your closest loved ones.

Remember, if you have a clear vision and a plan of attack (i.e. time, tools and feedback) then you are well on your way to success.

It can be as easy (or hard) as you make it…

Hope this helps! - Jase @ AFAPLUS [ARTICLE END]

Noel's note: For more from Jase Gralton and the AFAPLUS Team, including copies of "5 Simple Ways to Kick Start Your Goal-Setting" plus other actionable content every week that will help guide you towards achieving your fitness, health & lifestyle goals with ease, click on this link and get started today! http://afaplus.com.au/good-life-blog/

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