Skills are crucial for anyone who wants to succeed in business, but there’s much more to professional success than having a great CV. If you want employers to be able to trust you, you need to show the world your potential. And that begins with how you present yourself and your skills—and the bodies of knowledge that go with them.
If you’re like most people, you don’t really think about your personal brand. But it could be the difference between your getting that job you want or sabotage your chances by coming across as a boring, old-fashioned dinosaur in an increasingly young-focused marketplace.
It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or what level of seniority you have – everyone can get stronger, smarter and edgier. And there are strategies to help you do it! The number one thing leaders have in common is that they consistently strive to develop themselves and grow their abilities—and they know it’s imperative to not only pass on that knowledge to others but make an impact right away.
Finding the right balance between continually improving yourself and having fun is more crucial than ever! It means choosing how to invest your time wisely and showing that you're interested in learning from others. It means not only being humble, but also bold, confident and willing to take risks. And it means putting yourself out there.
But if you can make a few smart choices, you can unleash the potential within you—and people will want to hire that potential! The following strategies can help improve your knowledge base and make it easier for employers to trust you with their top job candidates:
1. Finding a Mentor
2. Learning from Others
3. Being Creative
So, how exactly do you learn new things? Take a look at these three examples:
1. Find someone who has the same level of expertise that you want to get better at and ask them for advice on how to improve your skills. This is a great way to keep improving your knowledge base without trying to collect as many different types of skills as possible. There are plenty of people who want to help others—including experienced professionals in your industry—and there are also plenty of opportunities for you to learn from their experiences right away!
2. Look for a class or seminar that covers a topic you’re interested in. This is often the most efficient way to learn something new, whether it’s communicating more effectively or learning how to be an effective project manager. If you’re in the beginning stages of an industry where there are few people who have accomplished your goal, seek out online lessons from experts or mentors who have already made that jump and can give you advice directly.
3. Learn from others by reading blogs about the specific topic that you want to master. Even if someone has not yet earned a verified badge on their blog, they might still be able to impart some valuable insight without being held up as a guru of the industry. You can always email the author to learn more about their credentials.
4. Take a class or enroll in a program that will allow you to take classes online. If you’re in high school, browse the schedules at the local community college. If you’re older, search out available courses through colleges and universities that might be of interest to you and your career goals.
If all else fails, there are thousands of companies out there who can help you develop your skills for free or for a nominal fee. Some of the options we offer include:
Skillsatwork .com .