5 Steps to Goal Setting Success


It's been said that around 90% of people never reach their goals. It doesn't matter what epic undertaking you are trying to enter into, it is possible to succeed. Here are five steps to help you set your goal, and why not take the first step right now?

Step 1: Make a commitment. This is the first step because it will actually be the toughest one. Commitment is hard especially when nothing has happened yet but we can't let anything stop us!

#2: Think about your goal and identify what's stopping you from achieving it? There may be more than one thing holding you back and that's okay as long as we have an answer for each one.

#3: Determine your end result. What are you going to get out of achieving this goal? The first step has been achieved as you now have that answer!

#4: Set a date when you want your goal to be achieved. This is the last step because it ties in with step #5.

Step 5: Create some way to remember your goal. Once you have taken the five steps, you will be more motivated and committed to achieving your goal so set something up where you can see it everyday or at least once a week and remind yourself why it's important for you to achieve this goal!

It's been said that around 90% of people never reach their goals. It doesn't matter what epic undertaking you are trying to enter into, it is possible to succeed.

Here are five steps to help you set your goal, and why not take the first step right now?

Step 1: Make a commitment. This is the first step because it will actually be the toughest one. Commitment is hard especially when nothing has happened yet but we can't let anything stop us!#2: Think about your goal and identify what's stopping you from achieving it? There may be more than one thing holding you back and that's okay as long as we have an answer for each one.#3: Determine your end result. What are you going to get out of achieving this goal? The first step has been achieved as you now have that answer!#4: Set a date when you want your goal to be achieved. This is the last step because it ties in with step #5.#5: Create some way to remember your goal. Once you have taken the five steps, you will be more motivated and committed to achieving your goal so set something up where you can see it everyday or at least once a week and remind yourself why it's important for you to achieve this goal!If there was another way in which people did things, they'd often do them.

As long as no one else knows, we can always find things that need doing.

It's amazing really.

You'd think that once we're happy with a situation we'd be inclined to leave it the way it is but no, we can always find something else that needs doing.

If someone asked you to do something for them, would you do it? Of course you would.

So why don't you go ahead and do something for yourself? You owe it to yourself!

All too often, we tend to think of excuses why what we want won't come true but in reality, if you truly want something and are willing to start working towards achieving it then eventually nothing will stop you from getting what you want.

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