5 Ways To SuperSize Your Life


Big life changes often come with some sacrifices and challenges. Some of us are lucky enough to be able to afford our own planes, boats and cars. Others have the ability to go on world trips, with all the benefits that come from it. But what about those of us who want more than just the basic lifestyle? Well, here are five ways you can super size your life without going broke:

1) Become a freelancer

2) Take on more volunteer work opportunities

3) Start a blog or podcast

4) Set up a side hustle or multiple digital identities as an entrepreneur5) Network like crazy - meet people and create relationships that will help you achieve your goals in both professional and personal life.

1) Become a freelancer -  if you're looking for a way to super size your life, becoming a freelancer is one of the best ways to do so. Freelancing allows you to have more control over what you're doing and how much you're earning every month. You can turn this into an opportunity that will allow you to travel the world, while still working hard at what you love. Freelancing has helped many people achieve their dreams, while making an impact in other people's lives. 

2) Take on more volunteer work opportunities -  volunteering is a great way to get involved in your community. Sometimes it can be hard to find a job, but if you're willing to help out in the community, you'll often find that there are plenty of opportunities available. Volunteering also helps you connect with other people and makes you feel as though you're making an impact. 

3) Start a blog or podcast -  if none of the above options appeal to you, then try blogging or starting a podcast. It's one of the best ways to super size your life without going broke. People who want to live the big life often have blogs and podcasts about their passions and interests. Many people have been able to kick start their own businesses and make the connections that they need to succeed. Be sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket and come up with a few different ways of trying to super size your life. 

4) Set up a side hustle or multiple digital identities as an entrepreneur -  if you're planning on becoming a freelancer, then it's important you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Try creating another digital identity as an entrepreneur and make sure that you can support yourself by having multiple digital identities that will generate an income online. 

5) Network like crazy - meet people and create relationships that will help you achieve your goals in both professional and personal life.   This is one of the best ways to super size your life by meeting people and forming relationships with them. You'll also be able to stay plugged into the latest trends, as well as future clients, which can be beneficial for your business. Not only will you be able to meet new people, but you'll also have a chance to learn from other successful small business owners. This can give you the confidence you'll need when going out into the marketplace on your own terms.[/ARTICLE] It was Saturday morning at my office job and I was feeling tired and bored. I was daydreaming about what my life would be like if I wasn't there. I had made a promise to myself that I would quit today, which was the day before my terrible ex-boss Patrick (a coke addict) came back from rehab. Patrick never really liked me, which is why I was very happy he got sent to rehab and decided to move back to St Louis to be with his parents for another month or so.

I decided that if I wasn't going to go out and quit my job, then at least I could treat myself to some coffee. Even though it was a Saturday morning, there were people still coming in asking for their drinks.

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