6 Steps To Goal Success With Hypnosis


Did you know that 71% of us SAY they want to make a change? Yet, most of us spend the majority of our time on things that aren't actually working towards our goal. It's as if there were a demon whispering in your ear, telling you how much fun it is to watch TV or play on social media instead.

Hypnosis is an opportunity to break free from these bad habits and really live your life with laser focus on goals that are meaningful to you. If this sounds like just the thing for you, read on for six steps to goal success with hypnosis.

1. Make a list of goals that you want to accomplish.

It doesn't matter how big or small the goals are, just write them down. It could be something as simple as finally getting around to putting up that new shelf in the garage or quitting smoking. The important thing is to create a list of things you want to change so you can start focusing your attention on what's important to you.

We never really achieve anything unless we focus on it continually, so creating a goal list is one way to help yourself stay focused and on task.

2. Choose one goal and make it your number one priority for the next three months.

It's best to focus on one goal at a time, so you can really put your energy into it. Make the goal your top priority for these next three months. That doesn't mean you won't accomplish anything else in that time, but it will be your "first call" if things need to get done.

3. Now choose one small thing you can do this week towards reaching this goal.

This doesn't have to be big or life altering- even something as simple as cleaning out a junk drawer might work. It's better if the little actions are specific and measurable, so you're actually tracking progress the entire way. For example, if you want to quit smoking, it's better to say "I will not smoke while at work" rather than "I will quit smoking."

4. When you are ready, have a hypnotherapy session with a certified hypnosis specialist or therapist.

5. Repeat this process for every other goal on your list.

Make sure that you spend three months on each one before moving on to the next one. You can go back and revisit goals any time you want, but doing it in 3 month cycles is a good way to stay focused and make sure they get accomplished.

6.  Enjoy taking action towards goals that are meaningful to you!

Don't be surprised if you actually start feeling excited about the to do list, because it will no longer be a "have to" but a "want to." You'll find yourself becoming more passionate and enthusiastic about your new goals and the changes they can bring.

How do you feel about this approach? Do you plan on utilizing hypnosis as a way to break free from bad habits and work towards your most important goals? I believe that goal setting is an important step in getting what we want, but maintaining focus on what we want is even more important.

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