60 Minutes To Clear Goals


Every year, the 60 minutes of new year’s eve evoke rumors, wishes and hopes. This time of renewal and reflection is an opportunity to look inside yourself in order to find what is not working. Even if you don’t believe in it, this ritual will bring you closer to your own being. It will be a valuable hour for introspection on which you can start a new chapter with confidence!

This blog post will talk about the different ways people have found success at using the last hour of 2019 for their needs. We have gathered various resources that will help you succeed at making your goals a reality.

What are the goals you want to achieve in this 2019? Write them down and start this ritual to get the energy you need to succeed!

5 pieces of advice on how to write a goal-setting journal

Your goals don’t have to be fanciful, far-fetched and impossible. They can be as simple as wanting to achieve something simple like go jogging at least three times within a week or eat less junk food.

Whether you want to set long-term or short-term goals, it is good practice to write them down. If your goal is small, then even write it on a piece of paper. However, if your goal is something huge like making a career switch or deciding to start a new company, writing it down will make it more tangible.

1. Start small – silly, tiny goals can empower you to achieve them

It’s really easy to set big, lofty goals when you are starting out. However, if you make it too overwhelming, then it may not even happen! Start small by setting up small goal like working a few hours a week on your business or trying out the three-minute workout. You can always write down another one or two goals that you want to achieve in 2019 by the end of the year.

2. Write down your feelings about what you want to achieve

Another important thing is to be able to accept your feelings and make them part of your goal-setting process. When you write down your goals, write about how you feel about yourself and the goals that you want to achieve. Do you feel excited or nervous? Write it down and let yourself be honest with the way you feel about each goal!

3. Formulate your goals by focusing on a specific outcome

It can be overwhelming to try to focus on all of your goals at once. Looking at them in a piecemeal fashion is one way to ensure that they are manageable and not too big. When setting short-term or long-terms goals, it is always good to know when your goal needs to be completed by. Also, begin with addressing why this is something that needs to be done now!

4. Write down how you want to achieve your goal – break it into steps

While it’s great to set goals, sometimes the hardest part is doing the steps that are necessary to achieve them. Being specific with your details will help you stay motivated as you move along on your path! You can also create a series of small goals that will lead up to what you really want to achieve. This way, you’re setting a series of smaller goals that will keep encouraging you as well.

5. Include affirmations and inspiration for each goal

Before writing down the goal itself, jot down any inspiring messages or affirmations for the goal itself.

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