7 Effective Ways To Set Your Goals In Motion Today


Setting a goal is the first step, but you should remember not to just say them out of obligation. You have to make every goal something you want for yourself and also take time to think about what would happen if you didn't set these goals. If you hold that in your mind, then it'll be easier for you to prioritize how important each goal is so that you can make sure they're more achievable.

It's a great idea also to set specific goals instead of general ones like "eat healthier" or "save money. " First, it makes it easier to see how much you're doing. Second, you set your mind on fire that you need to do something about your situation and make a change in the first place, so you really want to do it.

So what are the specific goals that I can set?

To start with, try giving up on the long-term goal of saving for retirement. Instead, try coming up with a short-term goal and then use that as the guide for your investments. If you don't have enough time to save for retirement then try investing in other options like stocks or mutual funds instead of holding off into CDs or bonds.

Secondly, try breaking that big project down into smaller goals. It's easy to be overwhelmed by the whole task ahead of you and get frustrated that it's so impossible. When you're trying to lose weight, it can be helpful if you measure your progress at least weekly or daily so that you can know how much closer to your goal you are each time.

Finish each day by thinking about what you did well – no matter how small – and make sure those are the things that become the goals for tomorrow. The more positive feedback for your efforts, the more motivated you'll feel and stay on track toward making them happen.

Lastly, it's a great idea to break down individual tasks into smaller goals as well. If I say, "clean this house," then it seems too overwhelming to think about. But if I break it down into smaller parts like "make the bed," or "straighten up my desk," then each of those smaller goals becomes easier in kind.

But what about the actual goal setting process? How can I do that?

There are a number of ways to set a goal, but make sure you set them so that they motivate you to want to finish them.  

Make sure to reward yourself when you meet your goals. If you set a goal for yourself to make the bed in the morning, then it's important to keep that motivation up so that you get out of bed and make the bed at least once before noon. You can buy yourself breakfast or let yourself have a few minutes of TV before starting another day. Reward yourself every week by ordering an extra chocolate bar or spending an extra minute on Facebook while waiting for the train.

Something else we can do is tie our accomplishment into something bigger, such as telling family and friends about how close you are to your goal weight and how far you've come. If you're working on being more fit, then telling them how great of shape you're in or how much you've lost is a great way to keep motivated.

Along these lines, you can use free apps like Goalbook to help tie your goals and achievements into an online journal. This will let you keep track of progress and be able to reflect on what worked so that it becomes easier for you to do it again.

When it comes down to specific goals, there are a wide range of different ones that can work for different people such as losing weight, saving money, getting into better shape and becoming more productive at work.

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